Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sarah, Oprah and Hillary

Let the battles begin!

Sarah Palin and Oprah will finally meet. Palin is scheduled to be on Oprah next Monday, but as always, these interviews are pre-taped and the "trailer" is circulating all over YouTube.

Palin has to address the "bad boy" Levi Johnston, the young man she groomed to comfort her daughter by allowing him to spend nights in her daughter's bedroom, and later on putting him on show as the fiancé at the Republican National Convention. Johnston is set to pose for Playgirl, and is threatening Palin with damaging information, and tells her to just "shut up."

This seems to be the tragedy of the modern family. Mothers who are unavailable, children running amok, out-of-wedlock (i.e. illegitimate) grandkids, and now rumors of divorce which Johnston says is an ongoing affair between Palin and her husband.

People will just say that is the cost of a woman running for public office. But is it really worth it? Has Sarah really something extraordinary to offer? We'll have to wait and see, but I think she (or more like her family) has paid too much for her ambitions.

Of course, I cannot avoid commenting on her appearance - public figures are shown no mercy in that regard. Sarah looks like an aging country music star on her interview with Oprah, with her big hair, over-done makeup and those glasses which give that air of sophistication which many older stars are now sporting. I never saw the beauty in her.

Now, someone who really has paid her dues, and who seems to be battling the callous Obama in her own capacity, is Hillary Clinton. It would indeed be a match to see the young and ruthless Palin against the seasoned and humbled Clinton in the next elections. But have we really come such a long way?