Monday, March 14, 2011

Blacks' Viciousness Coupled with Incompetence

And getting thrown under the bus

Lisa Rinna said "they all threw me under the bus" about her black team-mates
on The Celebrity Apprentice.

Maybe we're getting new imagery and metaphor here. When whites are surreptitiously betrayed by blacks they felt they were close to, they were "thrown under the bus."


I try not to watch too much pop television, but these days there are enough shows to write a whole PhD thesis on.

Celebrity Apprentice, one of Donald Trump's signature "reality" shows, is the least entertaining, song and music-wise, so I don't usually bother with it. But for some reason, I tuned in this season.

What a revelation this season is.

Two teams are each divided into men and women. Each week, the teams choose their project leaders, who become part team leader, part CEO. Finding the balance can be tricky.

The teams work on assigned projects, and are judged by "professionals". The losing team has to fire a member, usually the project leader.

So far (week two), David Cassidy was eliminated from the men's team on week one. Cassidy wasn't the project leader, whose status went to the sleazy homosexual Richard Hatch, who was imprisoned for tax evasion of money he won at another "reality" show - Survivor. But, Cassidy was no match against Hatch.

And soap opera actress Lisa Rinna who was project leader for the women's team this week was "fired" last night, since her team failed to deliver a winning children's book, the assignment for that week.

There are four black females on the women's team out of a total of eight contestants. They are:

- Dionne Warwick - who knew an older, and one would have thought a wiser, woman, would throw such punches

- La Toya Jackson - her plasticized face looks even worse than Michael Jackson's

- NeNe Leakes - a left over from another reality show, The Real Housewives of Atlanta, and who was evicted from her "mansion"

- Star Jones - fired from The View. She was too much even for that liberal bastion

About Lisa Rinna: she had her lips "botoxed" to a ridiculous size a few years ago. Recently, returning to sanity, she had that procedure reversed, with a somewhat reduced pout. I doubt La Toya Jackson can ever revert to her original, normal state even if she wanted to.

There is one black male on the men's team again out of a total of eight. He is rap music "star" Lil Jon, complete with metal grills - rap "fashion" braces, usually in gold or platinum encrusted with diamonds - on his teeth .

As Lisa Rinna was getting fired, she made a short pitch saying she had never encountered such negativity from women before (with Trump saying "I understand", but "firing" her anyway), and she specifically named Dionne Warwick, La Toya Jackson, Nene Leakes, and Star Jones. Hmm.

Rinna handed over the "creative" parts of writing the story and designing the book to Star Jones and Dionne Warwick. The women's team subsequently lost, and Jones and Warwick attacked Rinna for their loss, saying that she "crumbled under the pressure." Rinna initially agreed. "Yes, I crumbled," she said, to mogul Trump. But fortunately, she still had some spunk left in her when these team players kept the accusations high. "You just threw me under the bus. You wanted me to fail, to get rid of me," were her final words to these "ladies".

It was actually the final product based on Jones's "creativity" and Warwick's "design" that lost the women's team its winning position. Rinna couldn't come out with this at the beginning. I think she felt she was walking on egg shells, trying not to hurt these super-sensitive black women's feelings, or worse, not to appear racist. And it was too late when she regained her spunk. I think she was just in shock at what she was experiencing. She finally let out full steam on her "twitter" page, "Star Jones=Alien Monster," and on radio shows.

And various entertainment news outlets are also reporting that things got "ugly" backstage between Rinna and Jones after the show. And lawyers have gotten involved. Good.

Rinna should be thankful she's out. All the other white contestants concurred with her statements, but were quiet and subdued, at least last night. Some did voice their shock at how Rinna got treated. I don't think they can work peacefully and cooperatively with their black team-members from now on.

What these clueless black women don't understand is that they've made a perfect case for avoidance by whites, employees and acquaintances, in the "real" world. Some shows have already learned this lesson. Case in point: Star Jones, Star Candidate for Barbara Walters's Liberal Love Fest got fired from The View after nine years on the show, and has never completely recovered. A black woman getting fired from The View is history-making! Appearing on Celebrity Apprentice is a definite fall from grace for her; a place where forgotten or discarded television personalities go to try and regain some foothold. But it hardly ever works.

Jones was recently fired from another entertainment show, the second-grade The Insider. Here's the report:
The former View moderator has been ousted from her position as a panelist on the syndicated celebrity newsmagazine after sparring with a show producer over creative differences, according to a new tabloid report. Production insiders say Jones found herself in the middle of a verbal spat with a superior that nearly turned physical and led to the outspoken chatterbox being led out of the studio by security.
Rinna left the Apprentice premises quietly, and I thought with dignity, trumping those women who humiliated her (Donald Trump, take note). She came out the winner in the end.