Friday, July 15, 2011

Michelle and a Shovel

There is a blogger who goes by IMAO (In My Arrogant Opinion) who gets his readers to add captions to images he puts out. One of his readers came up with the caption above. I think just "Shovel Ready" would have been enough.

But IMAO's readers are not the only one to notice the shovel link. When I Googled: Michelle Obama Shovel, I got pages of Mrs. Obama hard at work.

Here is the actual image that is making the rounds:

A reuters caption describes what she is doing:
U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama holds a shovel as she joins volunteers to build a playground at Imagine Southeast Public Charter School in Washington, June 15, 2011.
If you can bear to look, here is Mrs. Obama on a swing meant for young children, which she had just finished installing at this same school (scroll down for the image).