Friday, May 18, 2012

Mayor Ford of Toronto Seems To Have Been Hijacked by Homosexuals, But He's Smarter Than That

The Toronto homosexual contingency is not only vocal but powerful. Toronto has the largest "Gay Pride" event in North America, with a week that turns the city into Sodom and Gomorrah, which eventually culminates with a parade that takes over, and closes down, the whole down town. Rob Ford, the mayor of Toronto, incurred their wrath when he said that he wouldn't be attending the parade this year, since, as he announced last year, he planned to go to his brother's vacation home north of Toronto during the event.

Ford showed up, unannounced (after he had stated he would not attend), at a risible "Rainbow Flag Raising" at City Hall called International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia [transphobia?!] (here is their website), where he read a prepared statement against homophobia, and all other forms of discrimination. He then marched off the stage back to his office upstairs in City Hall.

Here's a facebook commentator at "Let Ford Be" who astutely says:
Brilliant move on the Mayor's part. Ahhh the element of surprise...can't beat it. No chance for any organized protest. Love it!
I agree with this commentator. Ford has simply given the group what seems like an acquiescence, yet he is not attending the parade of the priders this year, and hasn't changed his position from last year.

Still, homosexual groups are aggressive and belligerent. They want nothing less than "full acceptance." The mayor will have to be more adept at confronting them during the inevitable "pride parade" show downs in the future. He will have to realize, though, that these are not mere confrontations. Homosexuals are waging war, and the mayor needs to act accordingly with a long term strategy. There are enough citizens in Toronto and Canada who, I'm sure, will be on his side.

Here is Ford's brief statement at the City Hall [Source: CTV News]:
Toronto is a society open to everyone, including the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, two-spirit and transsexual community, who are an important part of this city's diversity.

Toronto is an active participant in the fight for elimination of all forms of discrimination and is committed to the equal treatment of all people and their right to live in conditions of dignity, respect and peace.
Here is an arrogant commentator at the "flag raising" event who comments on Ford's presence (around the 2.12 point in the CTV News link above):
I've been feeling very hostile towards him since the beginning. But it's a real barrier to overcome, and he overcame it today. I think it's a historic day.

Ford making his statement at City Hall. Behind him, obdurately standing for the "gay community" are:

Left: Councillor Janet Davis
[S]poke after Ford. She’s a PFLAG member and spoke about her own 'coming out' last year when she revealed that her son is gay. [Source: City News Toronto]

Right: Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam
[C]ame out as a lesbian in high school, at the age of 16 and has been an activist for both LGBTQ and Asian Canadian community issues, serving on the Chinese Canadian National Council and helping to found Asian Canadians For Equal Marriage. [Source: Wikipedia]

Center (behind Ford's left shoulder): Councillor Gord Perks
Born: 1963 (age 48–49)
Nationality: Canadian
Political party: New Democratic Party
Spouse(s): Sarah Winterton
Children: 3
Residence: Toronto
Occupation: Environmentalist
[Source: Wikipedia]