Drudge is putting his usual humor on our political world. He has a photo of Obama inclining his head and body toward Mexicos's President Calderon as he greets him at the G20 Summit, and Drudge headlines it: "There he bows again." (The post is now off his front page, but here is the link to the original article with the bow).
Of course, Drudge is referring to the pop tune "There She Goes Again," a pleasant, catchy, trippy, tune by the Velvet Underground. The song has been given many kinds of attributes, from a lewd song to a song on heroin (not a heroine :-), but I think it is more innocent than that, and is about a woman begging for another chance with a guy, and she's also being coy saying she won't beg again.
I personally don't think Obama is bowing (begging). He's inclining his head in a friendly, almost conspiratory, manner toward Calderon as he greets him at the G20. And he vacillates between affection (for Merkel) and cautious friendliness (with Putin), to strict Alpha Male posture (with Meles Zenawi). He's being like the coy, aggressive girl in the song. One is never sure what one's going to get.
It must be confusing to be near, and to work with, Obama (and liberals), but I think that is their modus operandi: destablize the opponent with an unexpected behavior, but resume the strict liberal/fascist mandates once the way is cleared. It seems, though, he is more upfront with nonwhites and women: he will show his superiority through an aggressive stance (for the male leaders) and condescending affection (for the female leaders), showing that he is the boss all the way.
Here is commentary (with photos) of Obama's bowing style, and to whom he reserves the deep bow, by Larry Auster from the View From the Right. One deep bow was for the Muslim King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, as I wrote here.
Below are the lyrics to "There She Goes Again" with a video of the Velvet Underground's performance.
There She Goes Again
Velvet Underground
There she goes again
She's out on the streets again
She's down on her knees, my friend
But you know she'll never ask you please again
Now take a look, there's no tears in her eyes
She won't take it from just any guy, what can you do
You see her walkin' on down the street
Look at all your friends she's gonna meet
You better hit her
There she goes again
She's knocked out on her feet again
She's down on her knees, my friend
But you know she'll never ask you please again
Now take a look, there's no tears in her eyes
Like a bird, you know she would fly, what can you do
You see her walkin' on down the street
Look at all your friends that she's gonna meet
You better hit her
Now take a look, there's no tears in her eyes
Like a bird, you know she will fly, fly, fly away
See her walking on down the street
Look at all your friends that she's gonna meet
She's gonna bawl and shout
She's gonna work it
She's gonna work it out, bye bye
Bye bye baby
All right