In the area of one block, this is what I saw yesterday:
1). An "extended" Indian family
There's mum and dad, Sarbjit and Arvinder...; eldest son Sunny together with his fiance Shay; pregnant daughter Kaki with husband Jeet; and youngest son Tindy.
There were several adults, including what looked like mother, father, an elderly man who could be a grandfather, an elderly woman who looked too old to be a grandmother and could be a great grandmother, four young children, one young enough to be wheeled around in a stroller, and four other adults (sisters, brothers, cousins?). I counted twelve people in this group. The elderly members were wearing a traditional dress of the Indian subcontinent (it looked Punjabi or Muslim to me). The younger men were wearing jeans. The children had on cute outfits.
The language they were speaking was not English, and they certainly didn't communicating in English to the children.
It is becoming clearer and clearer that non-white immigrants have no intention of changing once they come to Canada. Bringing in elderly relatives from India, Pakistan or Bangladesh ensures that the youngest generation, most likely born in Canada, will continue their traditions. Of course, regular activities like going to school, and at work (unless it is one of those extended family Indian shops) will be in English and within a general Canadian tradition. But everything else, important things like family holidays, meals, weddings, etc., will always occur within an Indian context.
2). A white male and a Chinese/Asian female
(Chinese, Korean) females, and an insipid, overwhelmed
look in the white males of this couple type.
But, I wonder how long this will last? As I wrote in an
earlier blog, the women in high-powered Asian/White couples look
like they're in trouble. There is only so much "dragon"
men will take from women, after all.
Chinese/white couplings look more assimilated, but an interesting development is that their half Asian offspring prefer their Asian background to their white one. When I was an art and design student, ALL the Asians students (Korean, Chinese and a few mixed) almost always associated with their Chinese/Asian background. Their works referenced their Asian background, some even traveling back to their ancestral homes to re-enforce this heritage. They did not have the slightest interest in Western art and design, and even mocked me when I said that those were my important influences.
A recent development is that this Asian/half Asian younger generation is coupling with each other, leaving whites out of the equation altogether. Another way that whites are being cast aside is that more and more Chinese/Korean Asians are coupling off with other non-whites: with Hispanics, blacks and Arabs.
3). Three Muslim women
These young women looked like they were in their early twenties, all burquad, but carrying fancy fashion shopping bags from the mall nearby. And I don't think they were buying halal groceries. They may look like they had an enjoyable day of shopping, but I don't think they will want to change their burqa fashion anytime soon.
Second and third generation Muslims appear to be "more Muslim" than their parents. But, I think this is inaccurate. When their parents immigrated to Canada, they still had to adhere superficially to the cultures and mores of the society. They did not abandon their cultural and religious backgrounds. Now, with exponentially increased numbers, and the policy of multiculturalism soundly in place, they can allow their children to show their true colors.
4). Conclusion
People are mostly happy with what they have. Coming to Canada doesn't mean they will change their ways and cultures, it just means they will bring these cultures with them. Canada is simply a real estate option, to set up house in good apartments, with good schools nearby (which are more than willing to accommodate to their requirements) and food and other amenities which cater to their needs. Then they can go about the important child rearing activities such as providing religious and cultural education to their non-white (non-Canadian) families.
Of course, what these single-minded immigrants don't see is that all these amenities were put in place by their white predecessors. Non-white immigrants are fleeing their failing countries to start afresh in Canada and the U.S. Once they have displaced whites, with high birth rates, in schools, with their religious institutions, with offspring who do not, and cannot, associate with white culture, what they will have is a North American version of the failed societies they left behind. They cannot fathom how their parasitic behavior affects their host countries, which, like true parasites, they have to destroy in order to live the only kind of life they know how to, and want to, live.