eighteen-year-old daughter Willow to support Bristol.
Other than the weirdness of a former vice-presidential
candidate showing up at a variety show, couldn't she at
least wear a more appropriate outfit? Her teen-age daughter
is more modest, although I think Palin might just be trying
out for a future spot at DWTS. Usually "celebrities" sit
in the front seats of the show to be considered for a
future running. From presidency to ball room dancing,
I guess a competition is a competition.
Does Sarah Palin have nothing better to do? She showed up at Dancing With the Stars last night, and sat in full view in the front seats, to "support" her daughter Bristol Palin as she competed in the show.
I like DWTS. It is a rigorous show. The dancers who train the celebrities, then perform weekly dances with them, are professional ballroom dancers. The celebrities go through grueling months to prepare their dances for competition, and almost all of them deliver. Their costumes are a bit skimpy, but this is modern television we're talking about. They perform some old dance numbers such as the jive, the waltz, the Charleston, and the foxtrot. Latin styles like the mambo and the tango are also popular.
Having said that, a variety show is no place for a former presidential candidate. Why doesn't she stay home and write her memoirs?
Correction: Palin has already written two books. But the joke is still on her. She plans to "release a book on fitness and proper diet" according to the Christian Science Monitor.
Here is what she says about her upcoming book in an interview in People Magazine (and a former vice-presidential candidate being interviewed for People Magazine is as bad as the trend we're now seeing of political candidates going on late night talks shows):
Our family is writing a book on fitness and self-discipline focusing on where we get our energy and balance as we still eat our beloved homemade comfort foods!From political memoirs to a how-to book for finding favorite comfort foods. Yes, Palin has come long way!
Or why doesn't she try for another run at governorship in Alaska? Instead, she shows up in a skimpy dress to "support" her daughter in a television variety show.
Bristol Palin got kicked off the show last night. Even Sarah Palin fans couldn't save her. She was a spoiled contestant, and gave her partner/instructor a hard time with her sloppy style and self-pitying, narcissistic crying.
Good riddance.
Cheeky bloggers are parodying Sarah Palin and her dancing skills. Below, they've teamed her up with Obama.