Lawrence Auster writes at the View From the Right:
I was pretty surprised when Obama declared the other day that Israel “has the right to defend itself” from Hamas rocket fire and urged the Palestinian, not Israel, to stop aggressive actions.He continues:
However, it seems that Obama has already backed away from his unwonted backing of Israel. In an article entitled, “With Hillary Clinton’s dash to Middle East, Obama signals a shift in his approach."And quotes a Washington Post article via Powerline:
Clinton’s peacemaking trip is Obama’s clearest signal yet to Israel that it should begin to pull back its campaign against militants in the Gaza Strip. The administration knows that with Clinton on the ground trying to resolve the crisis, it will be harder for Netanyahu to make good on his threat to invade Gaza.I admit I was also pretty surprised by this. But then my rational side wasn't totally convinced. My thoughts were, "Is Obama trying to keep on the good side of American Jews to keep his presidency going?" And, "Is he in panic mode, and grasping at any opportunity to look good to Americans and internationally?"
In any case, it didn't take long for it to clear up. Again from VFR, quoting Paul Mirengoff from Powerline:
Obama’s real position, then, is that he will attempt to dictate the tactics and operations through which Israel exercises the right to defend itself. And Obama’s efforts to dictate constitute a constraint on Israel’s right to defend itself.So nothing has really changed.