Gun-toting libertarian strong-woman
carrying her book, Into the Cannibal's Pot.
I briefly blogged on her book here.
[Image from her website]
I've blogged about Obama's Sidam Touch, where his close political aides seem to be falling on the wayside, including Hillary Clinton's recent fainting/concussion spell.
I wrote:
Hillary Clinton, Obama's prime acolyte, is now fainting on the job, and suffering concussions. The stomach virus story only shows how susceptible she has become to ill-health, with her non-stop, exhausting scuttles around the world, cleaning up after Obama.Any observant writer can see that Hillary looks haggard, older and exhausted these days. She is clearly under the spell of the Obama "ideology" and is whirling around the world depleted of most of her energy, and much of her health.
It is evil to construe that she is feigning ill-health to get out of her duties. If there is anything we know about Clinton, it is that she is a hard worker.
Irrespective of her political position, I do feel sorry for Clinton. I even go as far to say that she's not doing this with much fervor or conviction, and that could be adding to her ill-health.
Here's Barely a Blog, a site I don't read anymore, but occasionally bring up to see what idiotic thing blogger colleagues I used to communicate with personally are writing. Mercer, the blogs author, interacted with me for a while until she rudely dismissed me in an email, and in a carefully camouflaged blog post. She has her on definitive views on Clinton's ill-health.
Here is what Barely a Blog's Mercer says about Clinton in her post "Concussed or Cowering" (Mercer is drawn to alliterations):
Mrs. Clinton was scheduled to “testify on December 20 before the House of Representatives and Senate foreign affairs committees on a report on the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans.”
Now comes the news that due to her condition—Secretary Clinton suffered “a stomach virus, became dehydrated and fainted, sustaining a concussion”—Clinton’s testimony would be postponed.”
It is quite possible that this strong-as-a-horse politician has fallen ill. But it is also possible that the woman is cowering, because a decree she and her Amazon warriors issued is responsible for rendering the Libyan embassy defenseless.