[Photo by KPA]
I was in New York City this past week (from Wednesday December 5 until Wednesday December 12) to attend the annual VFR dinner, hosted by Larry Auster. It was the third annual dinner, but I didn't attend the first one. I should say I was the only Canadian there, although there were guests from as far west as California and south as Florida.
We were in a mid-town restaurant called Kennedy's, and had the back room, called The Library, to ourselves. It was a pleasure to put names to faces. Several people went up to the podium to give their thanks and best wishes. Vincent Chiarello wished Larry Auster one hundred more years, and Laura Wood (from The Thinking Housewife) said that we are the normal ones, despite liberals constantly maligning us as mad, insane, abnormal, and of course, (although I don't think Laura said this) evil. It was a pleasure to see Jim Kalb, who hosts Turnabout where has me on his list of bloggers.
I went back to the restaurant a day later to take photos of the dining room. I didn't bring my camera with me to the dinner, since one of the guests, Jeanette Runyon, had emailed us that she would bring hers. I will upload her photos, which are mostly portraits, as they are posted. I will also post more of my photos of the dining room.