Monday, September 19, 2005


A Sense of Canadian Space

It seems that when Canadian Filmmakers achieve some kind of fame, they forgo their sense of Canadian space. Such is the case with Cronenberg's, Egoyan's and Virgo's latest. Egoyan cut his film to soften NC-17 ratings for his "American Dream" release, and Cronenberg's take is on violence, not in Canada, but in America. Virgo's could be set anywhere; actually one set in particular.

All three have no celebratory place.

Yet the latest engaging film coming out of Canada is the French Canadian "The Barbarian Invasion" by Quebec director Denys Arcand. Funded by the government agency Telefilm Canada, no less, and winner of the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar last year. What is this film about? Family, dying, past misunderstandings, fathers and sons, friendship, reconciliation, remorse, Canada’s monolithic Health Care system. Qeubec.

Here is an engaging place, in its own way.

Cronenberg, Egoyan and Virgo are unable to engage themselves to any place. Surely they can learn something from their Quebec compatriots.