Saturday, December 13, 2008

New Article

At ChronWatch, American Thinker and New Media Journal

I have a new article printed both at ChronWatch, American Thinker and The New Media Journal.

"How Canada's Little Mosque on the Prairie is aiming for our souls."

I edited it for a final version which I have posted in my own articles archive. I realized that my final statements in the original article needed to be more forceful, so I added more information in the last two paragraph specifying that the problem with Muslims' take over of our cultural symbols and institutions is because of their numbers. Earlier Muslim immigrants never behaved this way, and the only differing factor is that there were much fewer of them.

Here is the edited version:
Muslim integration in those early years was high (mostly through inter-marriage), and Muslim immigration was a bare minimum. In the 1930s, there were about 700 Muslims throughout Canada. Now, there are over 700,000 and growing. Projections for 2011 has the numbers almost doubled at 1.1 million...

Reducing the number of the projected 1.1 million Muslims (400,000 new ones) for 2011 would be a start, by simply erecting policies that decrease, if not outright halt, Muslim immigration into Canada. And given the fascination for Little Mosque on the Prairie in other Western countries – France, Switzerland, Israel, Finland and the United States to name a few - the recommendation is the same for all of them.
Having done that, the articles at ChronWatch, American Thinker and The New Media Journal stand on their own.

I have also added a comment at American Thinker about the CBC, Islam converts, and Little Mosque as an institution.