Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sasha's Ordeal

Various news sources are reporting that Obama is using his daughters for his re-election campaign. Here's an excerpt from the Washington Times:
The Obamas can be fiercely protective of their daughters’ privacy in some ways - complaining if the girls are photographed while out on their own, for example - but they’ve been more than willing to keep bringing them up in the national conversation. And to keep them in the minds of voters as the general election approaches.
Presidential children are always in the limelight, but I've always felt that the Obamas are especially ready to bring their daughters to the forefront when it suits their agendas. The media are picking up on this now, particularly since Obama is so blatant about "including" his daughters in his re-election campaign. In any case, I've found more Easter photos (this time from this year's Easter egg roll at the White House) of the family together. And, as I've previously noted, it seems that Sasha is the vulnerable one.

Above is a photo of Michelle, Sasha and Malia at an ideal photo-op to show some kind of unity (and dress taste). It is, after all, the White House Easter egg roll, a fun holiday event. Malia looks sullen and resentful, walking slightly apart from the small group. I'm sure it cannot be much fun to have these periodic family parades in front of the whole world, but Sasha always manages to put on a brave face.

Malia and her mother are in skin-tight pants, both showing bulging thighs, while Sasha seems to be modestly trying to cover up her legs with a pretty, long shirt. Sasha even tries at ornament with dangling earrings. Malia has opted for an austerity (coupled with exhibitionism, two sartorial elements which are often found together) which matches her expression. But Sasha's cropped jacket may be her way of trying to copy the cropped sweaters that make up Michelle's wardrobe. As I've noted before, these incongruous (unfashionable) additions may be her way of trying to fit in with her family, and especially her mother.

Once again, I can't help noticing Sasha's sad expression, which by now must have caught the attention of some concerned family member (a grandmother, perhaps?).