Monday, January 9, 2006

Science Fiction Cannot Substitute for the Bible

But it Can Bring us Closer to God

Why did both C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien felt it necessary to write allegorical novels, especially C.S. Lewis, underlying their fantasy characters for what appear to be Biblical messages?

Is the Bible not complete enough, complex enough and incredible enough to keep us reading and re-reading its texts for a lifetime?

Each time I read Rachel’s forgiveness of her sister, and the elderly Sarah’s challenge of God’s wish for her and Abraham, and the extraordinary birth of Jesus, His continuously fantastic encounter with the world below His Father’s Heaven, I wonder how anyone can ever make these stories any better.

Can science fiction out-perform the Bible?

The answer is of course no. Just as the many sublime paintings, hymns, chorals, anthems, sculptures and any other works of art can never be a substitute for the real thing.

But I believe these two writers, and all the other artists, are so much enthralled in the celebration of God, that they have to create these pieces in order to show God how thankful they are to Him.

It is a emanation of their love for Him. Their gifts to Him. And with these gifts, they make our lives just a little fuller with the presence of God Himself.