Saturday, September 29, 2012

Synchronicity of Blogging

Prophet, 1912
Emil Nolde
Image from my blog post:
"Who will wipe this blood off us?"
Lawrence Auster at the View From the Right (VFR) has a post on Randians, which eventually attracts comments on Christianity by a correspondent, who writes:
We should not overlook Christianity's contribution to this error [the error being that "the individual has special purpose."]
Larry Auster says this in his reply:
As I once half-jockingly said, Christianity because of its doctrinal and liturgical complexity, and the difficulty of maintaining a society based on it, and, most of all, its tendency to be derailed into gnostic belief systems such as liberalism, Randianism, and Communism, is, though no one realizes it, the fulfillment of the call of Nietzsche (the ultimate anti-Christian) to "live dangerously." To be a traditional Western man is to live dangerously. There is no escape from this.
I had a similar idea in my post today, where I wrote:
...further study of even these "rules" [such as the Ten Commandments] unravels their complexity.
I am reading C. S. Lewis's Mere Christianity. In the preface Lewis writes:
There are some [questions at issue to] which I may never know the answer: if I asked them, even in a better world, I might (for all I know) be answered as a far greater questioner was answered: "What is that to thee? Follow thou Me." (Mere Christianity, p. ix)
Read the rest of the VFR discussions here and here.

By Their Books Shall Ye Know Them

Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; But a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits shall ye know them.
This an intuitive idea.

Christianity works on many levels. Ordinary people can live with its basic tenets, by following the Old Testament's Ten Commandments, or simply the New Testament's "Love Thy Neighbor." But further study of even these "rules" unravels their complexity.

I think part of the underlying reason for these layers is so that Christians, whether ordinary worshipers or high level clergy, don't get dogmatic. If they do, they will be confronted with their inadequacies when they reach contradictory or seemingly unresolvable passages.

Another reason is so that people don't get bored with these stories, and will always marvel at them. This helps them find new ways to interpret them, relating them to different aspects of their lives. In some ways, this channels their playful and creative nature, allowing them not to be intimidated by the bible.

The approachability of these stories (I don't want to say the simplicity of these stories) filled with ordinary people so much like them, also allows these stories to always remain fresh and entertaining for the ordinary worshipers. They will be able to relate to them on a personal level, finding favorite stories and personalities, which they can reimagine in their own lives at moments of duress, or joy.

In contrast, Islam's text, the Koran, allows none of these individualized interpretations, or the joy in the creative understanding of its texts. It leaves its followers stunted and restrained. And if they deviate from its instructions, it rewards them with punishment rather than some new insight.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

"l'm an East Asian Engineering Failure"

Here's a Youtube video of a flash mob at the University of Toronto disrupting a class where freshmen engineering students are writing an exam.

What I found interesting about the video is that the majority of students in the class are East Asian. The instructor and a group of teaching assistants (usually graduate students who assist the instructor) are all East Asians.

The flash mob calls itself Skule Nite, and is:
a musical revue/comedy/sketch show run entirely by Engineering students at the University of Toronto.
From the video, the majority of the members of Skule Nite are also East Asians, including the violin players who "accompany" the rapping.

One of the phrases they rap to is: "I'm an engineering failure."

I've written about the unusually high percentage of East Asians in undergraduate engineering programs. I attribute this to an idiot savant type of learning method, where rote memorization takes precedence over creativity and imagination.

I think this video shows this insecurity of East Asians - "I'm an engineering failure" - who are well aware of their weaknesses.

Meantime, our universities are filled with such students who are highly likely to bail out, pushing out more competent white students who may not get perfect scores at college multiple choice exams, but who are the ones most likely to advance science and engineering because of their more creative, inquisitive and inventive nature.

On another note, rather than sing some popular song, or a religious classic, as these "flash mobbers" performed at an Ontario mall, Skule Nite chooses the ugly, unmelodious rap style to project its message.

Winking Leaders

Drudge had a mischievous page with winking leaders. I've posted a screen shot of the original page which had Hillary's wink at the top (he later rearranged it to put Obama on top).

Since the photos and captions will come down soon, here are Drudge's captions under the photos, with the linked articles:

- "He has my vote, he gave me a phone": A voter's promise to Obama.

- "It was Al Qaeda": Hillary's report on the attacks on the American Embassy in Libya.

- "Solution to Michelle Obama's new school lunch menu: SNACK!": Michelle Obama's school nutrition program.

- "Moscow Times: Why Putin wants Obama to win": As one twittering commentator puts it: "Yep, there's nothing like a "FLEXIBLE" Obama..."

Lawrence Auster a The View From the Right (VFR) posted Hillary's wink on his post: Another Druxtaposition.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"If France Can Have The Burqa, Why Not The Djellaba?"

"If France can have the burqa, why not the djellaba?"
Quote from Galliawatch

Below is the full caption under the image:
Here is another photograph of Interior Minister Manuel Valls, obviously having a good time with his Muslim overlords in Marseille. Note the djellaba. If France can have the burka, why not the djellaba? If Muslims are conquering France, can France reconquer Algeria?
The full post, Manuel Among the Muslims, is here.

Bottling the Black Dahlia

The decadence of modern culture continues with the legendary perfume house Givenchy releasing a new scent clearly named after Elizabeth Short, the murdered and mutilated California woman who became known as the Black Dahlia. She got her moniker through malicious gossip in Hollywood, where the legend is that she wore a signiature black suit to attract men as a prostitute. She went to California to try her luck in acting while doing all kinds of odd jobs from modelling to waitressing. Some of the men she attracted, including a string of boyfriends, became suspects in her murder.

The perfume itself, called Dahlia Noir in French, is a weak concoction of rose, sandalwood and vanilla, which sounds good, but doesn't live up to expectations. The ad for the perfume features an emaciated model, hardly an Elizabeth Short. The banal square bottle is even worse. It is as though some force wouldn't let Givenchy glamorize evil, and the perfume designers were stunted in their efforts to bottle the sordid story of Elizabeth Short.

I've blogged about the spiral toward evil that modern culture is taking. Givenchy is simply following those signs.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Update: The President's View

Obama was holding (clutching) Michelle's hand for most of their time on The View. So much for the dignity and gravitas of a world leader. I'm not the only one to notice this hand-clutching.

The usually aggressive and domineering Michelle Obama was quiet and demure throughout. When she did speak, Obama interrupted her halfway, to fill in the rest of her comments (about her school nutrition "initiative") in his own words, as though her words were insufficient.

For all his "niceness," Obama is quietly domineering and controlling, and has managed to rein in even his wife.

This clearly translates into his modus operandi in politics.

The President's View

President Obama and his wife went on that ugly show The View while in New York to attend the UN General Assembly, but "couldn't" find the time to meet with Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu, who was also in New York to speak at the UN. The Anti-Israel president of Iran, Ahmadinejad is also scheduled to speak in the UN.

Here are some Drudge Report headlines on Obama's speech:

- [Obama] blames 'The Film' for Mideast violence
- President doesn't mention terrorism by radical Islamists
- "The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam"

And this just the beginning.

Trying To Look Like a Movie Star in the Era of Ugly T.V.

Sofia Vergara resembling a 1930s Hollywood star
at the 2012 Emmys, but cast in a sordid 2012 telvision series

Actresses want to look good, and generally come out at awards shows putting on all the glamor. The Emmys that were on last night are no different. But the T.V. shows these actresses represent have none of the beauty or glamor. They are horror stories, gory and bloody detective mysteries, "subversive" social commentaries where homosexuals and lesbians dominate, and such sexually explicit material that the storyline becomes irrelevant.

Here is a link to the costumes worn by the competing actresses.

And below is a short list of the nominated and winning T.V. shows:

- Modern Family (homosexuals, transnational adoption, divorce, a multi-racial couple, single mothers)
- American Horror Story (a family with an adultrous father moves into a haunted house.)
- Katty Griffin: Tired Hooker
- Mad Men (adulterers)
- Damages (a ruthless, cunning, manipulative, female lawyer)
- The Good Wife (a show inspired by Eliot Spitzer's sex scandal)
- Homeland (a female Amercan military officer turned terrorist)
- Game of Thrones ( "sexual ambiguity," magic, civil war, incest)
- New Girl (a young woman moves into an apartment with three young men)
- House of Lies (cutthroat consultant using any means possible to get the job done)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Modern Mayhem

Laura Wood at The Thinking Housewife describesour culture of divorce as a fascinating subject. I agree with her. But, unlike her, I find the reactions of the obituary writer she quotes a little exaggerated. The obituary writer says that she is "appalled by the spectacle" of second wives omitting first wives from the obituaries of their husbands. I would think that these second wives think of these rival first wives as former girlfriends. After all, in this era of easy marraiges and quick divorces, wives are more like girlfriends than spouses. And it easy to discard and omit girlfriends from any social occasions of their husbands, dead or alive. Of course, the joke is on them. With quick divorces and easy marriages, they are very likely to marry again, as are their (second, third husbands? I lost count).  And who's to say that they wont divorce these husbands as well? And with the liklihood that they will outlive him, they will be cast aside as one of those "former girlfriend parading as wife" role by his latest widow, and be discarded even from his obituary.

Friday, September 21, 2012


The "religious" channel Vision TV has been showing Jewish themed films all week. Last night, there was a charming little film titled, The Quarrel.

The revelation of the film was Saul Rubinek, who plays Rabbi Hersh, who's childhood friend, Chaim Kovler, suddenly returns after a prolonged absence. Kovler is played by the very wasp R. H. Thomson, but who I think looks (acts?) convincingly Jewish.

The two had quarreled, and ended their long friendship, when Hersh planned to open a Yeshiva. Chaim declines Hersh's request to help him with the school by declaring that he had renounced his Jewish faith. Soon after, he leaves Montreal, and abandons Hersh. Chaim became a relatively successful writer, and the film starts when he returns to Montreal, after many years of absence, on a publicity tour of his book.

The forgiveness of the film's title refers to the skeletons of the two friends: Chaim's inability to forgive the murderers of his parents and brother during the holocaust, and Hersh's inability to forgive Chaim for abandoning him and their faith when he was trying to rebuild that very hope and future which the Nazis destroyed for him. Of all people, Chaim should have been able to understand this, was Herch's reasoning.

The story and acting were a little clumsy, but it was Rubinek who made it worth watching, as the self-effacing, ever-suffering rabbi. Rubinek has acted in a variety of minor roles, and his name and face are familiar enough, often as a villain or an usavory character, but it was this little role that was made for him.

The final scene, where the two reconciled friends perform an impromptu dance, exotic and Jewish, is one of the most charming. The film is part of a series observing the Jewish New Year, with The Quarrel illustrating Yom Kippur.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

New Year and The Queen of Sheba

Ethiopians celebrate their New Year on September 16. I don't think that it is a coincidence it falls around the same date as the Jewish New Year, or Rosh Hashanah.

According to Ethiopian cultural accounts, the Ethiopian Queen of Sheba went to Israel to visit King Solomon to seek wisdom from the famous king.

Although this story is presented as a myth, I believe that the Queen of Sheba did exist. There is historical evidence, through written text, statues, carvings and burial sites, to indicate that such a queen did exist in the southern regions of what is now Yemen and northern Ethiopia, which would form the ancient kingdom of Ethiopia. At the time, Ethiopia was struggling with monotheism, and stories of a monotheistic country and king quite possibly reached the country and its queen, who then traveled to meet this legendary king.

Pre-Christian Ethiopians looked to Jerusalem when trying to understand their spiritual world, and as a way to get closer to this God. They were surrounded by pagan cultures, and isolated themselves, aided by the difficult mountainous terrain, to build their civilization based on this monotheistic premise. I believe the Queen of Sheba returned from Israel with many Jewish religious and spiritual insights, including the idea of this single God. She also brought with her the traditions of New Year as both a social and religious celebration.

In Christian Ethiopia, there is a special church service on New Year's day. The importance of the ram's horn in Rosh Hashanah, reflecting Abraham's sacrifice of the lamb, is observed in the social gathering of families. A ram is taken as a gift to the elder (often the grandfather) of the family, and slaughtered/sacrificed for the meal of the day.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ethnic Kate and Her Role Models

The least innocuous of the "going ethnic" style,
the Canadian maple leaf on a hat

It looks like Kate gets "ethnic" on her various trips around the world. She even managed to find something "Canadian" on her trip to Canada last summer. The floral prints which she wore in the Solomon Islands this September were in solidarity with the Governor General's wife, who wore her own island floral print dress.

Kate with Lady Grace Kabui,
in Honiara, Solomon Islands

But it is the truly exotic which seems to earn Kate's special respect. Going barefoot and hijabed is one of the ways she shows that respect. She's not alone, and has illustrious role models to follow.

Queen Elizabeth also went barefoot, and diligently covered her head when she went to the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi in 2010, and at the Green Mosque in Turkey in 2008.

Queen Elizabeth barefoot at
the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque
in Abu DhabiAbu Dhabi

Queen Elizabeth at the Green Mosque in 2008 in Turkey,
with slippers and a head scarf

Princess Diana wore Islamic dress on many of her trips. And the Crown Prince himself, Kate's father-in-law said this about Islam:
The Islamic world is the custodian of one of the greatest treasuries of accumulated wisdom and spiritual knowledge available to humanity. It is both Islam’s noble heritage and a priceless gift to the rest of the world.
It is no wonder, then, that this deep respect transfers to Kate Middleton, wife of the future King of England, and head of the Church of England, who enters a mosque with her shoes off.

Kate at the Assyakirin Mosque
in Malaysia, Respectfully shoeless
with a dress and scarf reminiscent
of her mother-in-law's below

And who else is the role model for Kate but her mother-in-law Princess Diana. Below, she gracefully puts on a pretty floral scarf that matches her green dress, as she enters the Al-Azhar Mosque in Cairo in 1992.

At one time, the monarchs of England fought wars to ward off Islamic invaders. Now, they subserviently enter their places of worship.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Post-Modern Woman

Kate Middleton, barefoot and bare-breasted

The post-modern woman follows the latest sluttish trends, exposing as much skin as possible without being arrested for indecent exposure, yet will parrot the latest multi-culti truism, and have no qualms about Muslim women in full Islamic gear walking around her neighborhood.

Well, Kate Middleton, aka the Duchess of Cambridge, bride to the future king of England and ruler of the Commonwealth, parades around topless on an island resort while on vacation, and sees nothing contradictory about attending a princely (and princessly) visit to the Muslim country of Malaysia in a "respectful" hijab.

Hasn't she learned from the folly of her predecessors that anything the royals do is fodder for the public? Topless in a remote island while on vacation? What a silly woman. And why is she topless in the presence of her husband? Cannot she muster a little modesty in front of him?

I suppose this is what bored monarchs do, and why they got relegated to mere cosmetics. But, they can't even look good, so what good are they?

I like Queen Elizabeth (I've written about her here and here), but her odd forays into territory she doesn't understand, following what useless advisers tell her are good things, shows that even she has become the last bastion of this formidable, and fading lineage.

Perhaps Americans were right. It has taken us several hundred years to realize that the British monarchy has served its purpose, and nothing can ignite it anymore. I had hopes on William, but with a Crown Princess like that, who wants him around?

Update: Enhancing the Asian Woman

I've edited my most recent blog post, Enhancing the Asian Woman, to add more content (to explain my ideas better), and to add more photos. It is a little different from the original.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Enhancing the Asian Woman

Laetitia, Lady Lade, 1793
George Stubbs
The Royal Collection

I suppose persistence in pursuing an observations is useful.

I've been doing a large number of posts on East Asians in North America (Canada and the US), and how they have an aggressive, but alien, presence here.

A lot of my posts have been on how this group of people is picking what they think is the cream of the crop, including beta white males, who abandon their own culture and women in order to set house with them. I also have noted their more materialistic approach to life.

Below is an image posted at Laura Wood's The Thinking Housewife, with an Asian woman on horseback with a black man in a bare torso standing next to her and the horse. According to the correspondent, the image is from an ad from Photoshop, an image editing software, which shows actions used to enhance photos."

Now the irony is not lost on me that this correspondent couldn't see that the woman is Asian, and writes to Laura after reading Laura's post "Advertisers Love the Thrill of Black Man/White Woman." Photoshop must have done a pretty good job of "enhancing" the Asian woman to look more white than Chinese. Her hair is dyed a dark blond, and her eyes are heavily mascaraed to make them look bigger.

The other irony is that Chinese women do want (or desire) enhancing in order to look more white. I see it all the time, with exaggerated eyeliners and hair dyed a lightish brown, so from a distance, or from the back, these Asian women look white. The purpose, I'm convinced, is to catch the white male, trying to look close enough to what he's used to, while adding that fetishistic "otherness" to get him attracted.

The photo collage above is from a TLC (The Learning Channel) show called "I Found the Gown" about brides looking for the "perfect" wedding dress. I find it fascinating because of the inordinate amount of time these young women spend on their wedding, not to mention the costs they incur. And also to see the kinds of marriages taking place in contemporary times. Most are racially compatible (blacks with blacks, whites with whites, etc.) but of the few that aren't, it is often a Chinese woman and a white male.

Often, although the Chinese bride will perform some part of the ceremony in the white and western tradition, she will bring in many elements of her background including even having a second ceremony. And she always has a large entourage of sisters, aunts and of course a rather dictatorial mother, who is really the one running the show.

The Chinese bride from the collage above had with her a troupe of family members "helping" her decide on the dress. The tiny, dictatorial mother is in purple, and on the far left is an equally domineering grandmother. Sisters come along to give moral support, although they do not contradict the mother.

The strange thing about this episode was that the girl really didn't like the dress at the beginning, but through the relentless persistence of the two older women to pick it, and who bluntly told her they didn't like any of her other dresses, she caved in and seemed to have had a change of perception - she just liked what she didn't like. Perhaps this amnesia is the only way she can survive in her family.

Apart from having a white groom (as shown through various scenes in the episode), one thing that fascinated me about this Chinese woman was the subtle ways in which she changed her natural appearance. Her hair is clearly dyed a lighter brown, and her eyes are heavily mascaraed to appear larger and less oval shaped. Even her skin has a more reddish glow, but I think it is the effect of the light in the photograph.

Asian Female
Before: With a reddish tint in her hair
After: Photoshopped to have darker hair and paler skin

But back to the original photo of the white-looking Asian female on horseback, with the black male standing by.

My first thought was Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind at her Tara plantation, with her billowing 19th century American Southern dress, and a black, protective slave by her side.

Scarlett O'Hara running up the stairs
in her mansion at Tara, dress billowing

Scarlett, devastated by war and returning to her home Tara, vows:
As God is my witness, as God is my witness they're not going to lick me. I'm going to live through this and when it's all over, I'll never be hungry again. No, nor any of my folk. If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. As God is my witness, I'll never be hungry again.
And she does recover Tara. But she is faced with another devastation when her only daughter with her persistent suitor-turned-husband Rhett Butler, dies. Bonnie Blue, like her mother Scarlett, was a bit of an equestrian, but her stubborn insistence that she could do it all on her horse cost her her life after an accident during a trial jump at the young age of four. Rhett Butler, her devastated father, couldn't face Scarlett after this death, and left her to nurse his grief.

Bonnie, Scarlett and Rhett's daughter, on her pony

Unlike the aggressive but unimaginative white women of our era, who buckle under at the slightest (real) challenge, Scarlett stood up to her mistakes, and losses, and her last words in the film were:
Scarlett: Tara! Home. I'll go home. And I'll think of some way to get him back. After all... tomorrow is another day.
If white women were able to demonstrate half of Scarlett's courage, they might be able to salvage some of what they've lost.

The image above is from my blog post The Wrath of the White Woman, where I write:
And no-one will be on the side of the white woman: Not the white boyfriend who betrays her; the Asian female who has had her eye on him from early childhood; the Asian immigrant parents who are more than happy to have a white son-on-law and future half-Asian grand kids, who will be more Asian than white; and not the multi-culti climate that dominates Western countries these days.
And, meanwhile, the fickle East Asian woman will go for the black man with his romantic image of the muscled protector. In her eyes, he will out-bid the modern white man as the more desirable, the more manly, male to catch.

Sub-Par Designs of Asians and Their Influence in Society

Left: Marchesa Resort, 2013
Right: Sui, Fall 2012

I've written about the Marchesa sisters, and their superior design ability, especially in their area of expertise which is evening gowns.

The 2012 gown designs are now on display in various fashion websites, and I happened to find Ana Sui's latest. I've also blogged about Sui here and here. I've described her design ability thus:
Anna Sui is an Asian fashion designer who has been somewhat under the radar, but has entered the limelight due to some fascination for all things Asian. At the February 2012 New York Fashion Week, her collection of prints don't quite get the grade, as I explain with samples of designs below.
I continue about Sui, and Asian (East Asian) designers:
Asian designers have "almost" moments, as I wrote about Vera Wang's dresses (view my recent entries under "Fashion" for more on this). They are clever at marketing themselves, and also clever at picking up (copying) certain current trends. But their works lack something. It is partly creativity, partly craftsmanship, and the overall effect is oddly inferior work which almost passes as something of quality.
Anna Sui

In the same blog post, I deconstruct one of her dresses to show its inferior aesthetics and craftsmanship.

Sui, Fall 2012

Like many East Asians in Canada and the US, Sui has family which is clearly an admixture of whites and Asians. According to this site, Sui never married, but her "family photo" groups together whites, East Asians adults, with clearly white/Asian offspring.

Below is a photo of Sui and her family. I write here about the family's racial dynamics:
- Various biographical sources write that Sui has two brothers, so it is likely that the two older Chinese men are her brothers.

- One is sitting close to a white woman holding a young child, in the top photograph. She looks like she's the same woman with the child in the bottom photograph, standing next to a man holding another child. These children could be their children, they do have the half Caucasian, half Chinese features, so they must be part of the family at some generational level.

- The other Chinese man, with the his hand on the young girl's shoulder in the bottom photograph, at the far right, could be the girl's father.
The racial Smorgasbord of Sui's Family

I've written here that this offspring is creating a new type of people, here in North America.

As I wrote here:
A "new" kind of people [is]emerging from [Chinese/white coupling]: the Eurasians (white/Asian admixture), who look different, although more Asian than white, and who behave differently (I find them slightly more aggressive and insensitive - to noise, to color, to food tastes, and of course my topic of concern, to beauty). They also tend to group together, so in effect forming a new society. Their strength is also that they draw in Asians from the Asian continent, thus increasing the overall "Asianness" of Canada. There is likely to be a large demographic change in Canada within the next twenty years, with an Asian (including the admixtures) majority or close to majority, rather than a white one.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

9/11 Redux

There will be an endless repeat of 9/11. Muslims are serious about Islam.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Most Ancient Spiral Galaxy

The "grand-design" spiral galaxy described as "the most ancient spiral galaxy...ever discovered" shouldn't exist because "Current wisdom holds that such 'grand-design' spiral galaxies simply didn’t exist at such an early time in the history of the universe," according to this website.

And commenting on the structure of this galaxy, UCLA astrophysicist Alice Shapley opines:
The vast majority of old galaxies look like train wrecks...Our first thought was, why is this one so different, and so beautiful?
And University of Toronto's David Law, who authored the study, comments:
The fact that this galaxy exists is astounding. Current wisdom holds that such ‘grand-design' spiral galaxies simply didn't exist at such an early time in the history of the universe.
At the View From the Right, the sentiments are different. Lawrence Auster writes:
What a dumb, vulgar thing to say [that vast majority of old galaxies look like train wrecks] about objects ten billion years old, a hundred thousand light-years across, and each containing hundreds of billions or even tens of trillions of stars. No scientist in 1950 or 1970 would have said it...

Far too often, scientists, like their fellow elites in contemporary liberated society who believe in nothing higher or truer than the disordered human self, seem to have no sense of appropriateness, no inherent respect for anything, for the isness of anything. They must drag everything down to the commonest level and make it appear to be as messy and meaningless as we ourselves—even objects that are infinitely vaster and older than anything we can conceive, and that express an order of which (notwithstanding scientific theories which claim to explain far more than than they really do explain) we have no idea.
I think that people, modern, liberal people (which is the majority of the West now) have no principles with which to guide their observations of the world around them.

The Good, the True and the Beautiful are no longer those solid principles with which we tried to understand the world around us. These principles were formed partly through religion (specifically Christianity) and partly through our cultural history and traditions. Society was thus constantly informed how to differentiate between good and evil, beautiful and the less beautiful, the true and the untruthful.

Now, since we have cast aside these traditions, and since religion is just something one harks back to on Christmas or a christening, we no longer have that to guide our understanding of the world.

So, the tremendous beauty, complexity, and mystery of the universe is smeared with the ugly words of a modern "scientist." Beauty, rather than bring things up to its level, is now dragged down to the putrid messes of the ugly. And this is just how modern people would have it, since bringing things down to the "equal" level of ugliness is much easier than bringing it up to the difficult hierarchical requirements of beauty.

If scientist are not in awe of what they're discovering, how can they enjoy their work? Why bother to spend hours, days and even years looking through a metal funnel if they are not impressed by what they see? Otherwise, they may as well spend their days looking at the crumbs on their desks, which is how the likes of David Law really do see their work, and hence their crass and crude comments on these celestial bodies.

I should add that pre-modern scientists had a much better sense of the mysterious, and were much more humble than their post-modern inheritors. As I've mentioned before, it was God who got discarded so that David Law and Alice Shapley can say (and believe) these things. Things are now measured in terms of man's limitations, rather than God's infinity.

Since my interest is beauty, I think what is going on is an elimination of beauty in our modern understanding of the world, which also leads to the elimination of the good and the true. I wrote here about beauty:
Ugliness rules. In clothing, in films, in art and even in our "representatives" of beauty. I don't think it is a lack of knowledge about beauty. We've developed standards and often unanimous agreement about what constitutes the beautiful. So I'm not going to into the beauty-hater's argument that beauty is relative; beauty can be objectively measured. What's going on is that people are hating beauty. It is a form of envy. If I cannot be beautiful, then why is she beautiful? It is like wealth, or intelligence, or a sense of entitlement to live anywhere one pleases. Spread the wealth, accept I.Q.ers of 91 into Harvard, let everyone from every corner of the world come into the prosperous West. Or youth. Why cannot I be as young (and attractive) as any fifteen-year-old, at my ripe old age of seventy? Such are the mantra of the equal-opportunity narcissists.

So, in order to fit in with their lowered standards, beauty magazines are (actually they have been, for decades now) publicizing ugliness in their fashion shoots, their models, and even with the "celebrities" and film actors they promote. There was a time when actresses like Elizabeth Taylor, Ingrid Bergman, Grace Kelly and many more appeared in immaculate clothing, looking ethereally beautiful, at any age. And we admired them.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Stephen Harper's Quick Fix to the Obvious Dangers While Leaving Other Dangers Alone

I'm still trying to figure out Stephen Harper's bold move to close the Canadian embassy in Iran, and now his government's decision to strip over 3,000 immigrants off their fraudulently obtained Canadian citizenship. Most of these "immigrants" are from the Middle East, which is a euphemistic word for saying that they are Muslims.

I think Harper is trying to make Canada safer, and to remove dangerous enemies. But, he is doing it in a straightforward, almost clumsy manner.

Multiculturalism is now the norm for both liberal and conservative leaders. In fact, talking against multiculturalism, and evoking the differences in races, cultures and civilizational backgrounds of people would be tantamount to racism.

I think Harper really does believe in racial harmony, where as long as there are no immediate, violent, elements in an identifiable group of people (through religion, race, etc.) that such a group of people should be able to live without interference with the rest of Canadian society. After all, that is why they came to safe and stable Canada in the first place.

So, an increase in the Asian population in Canada, brought on mainly by immigration, and which will continue to grow over the foreseeable future since Harper is not showing any signs of reducing Asian immigration into Canada, is a good thing for Harper.

1) I don't think he believes that the Chinese will overwhelm Canadian society.

3). He believes that these Chinese immigrants will mix and integrate with the rest of Canadian society and adhere to the mainstream culture (which he would be hard-pressed to define if asked).

3). If there is some cross-over, and Chinese culture surfaces in some cases, that is a good since cultural variety is good for Canada.

4). He believes that the off-spring of these Chinese (whether Chinese, half-Chinese, or any combination), and all other immigrant offspring, will become "Canadian" first, and not refer to their countries of origin for self-identification, since "Canada" is all they know.

5). He believes that with constant "Canadian identity" references, pride in Canada, cultural and historical education of immigrants (and all Canadians), other identities will take the back-burner and will surface only at specially sanctioned cultural holidays and festivals.

6). And since people have the right to follow their cultural roots, then Muslims can be Muslims in Canada, as long as they don't show illegal behavior, like procuring false citizenship cards, or plotting to blow up buildings and people in the name of Allah.

So, it is much easier to close diplomatic missions to the Islamic, nuclear weapon acquiring, Israel-threatening Iran, and to deport criminal immigrants (criminal because of fraudulent behavior), rather than to address the long-term destruction of Canada through stealthy take over by alien cultural groups, who legally enter the country through an already established immigration system.

And here is more hot-of-the press news, from the September 7 Ottawa Citizen:
Stephen Harper’s five new senators [appointed last Friday] reflect ethnic diversity
Here are the two new "ethnic" senators:
A former Progressive Conservative politician from New Brunswick, a citizenship judge who fled Vietnam and the first Filipino-Canadian elected in Canada’s largest city are among the crop of new additions to the Senate with the...two making history as the first from their ethnic groups to sit in the Red Chamber.
The three others are:
Former Action Democratique du Quebec candidate and economist Diane Bellemare fills a vacant seat in Quebec, while former Nova Scotia Tory cabinet minister Thomas McInnis and New Brunswick lawyer Paul McIntyre fill vacancies in their home provinces.

Is This The Country That Canada Wants To Enter Trade Agreements With?

Image of Xi Jingping from Drudge

Here is a headline this morning over at Drudge:


Which is linked to an AP News article with the same heading:

Here is part of the article:
Where is president-in-waiting Xi Jingping?

Is he nursing a bad back after pulling a muscle in a pick-up soccer game (or maybe in the swimming pool)? Has he been convalescing after narrowly escaping a revenge killing by supporters of ousted local Communist Party boss Bo Xilai? Was he in a car accident? Or is he just really busy getting ready to lead the world's No. 2 economy ahead of an expected leadership transition next month?...

[V]ice president has gone unseen for more than a week. During that span, Xi canceled meetings with visiting foreign dignitaries including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. On Monday, it was the Danish prime minister's turn.

Xi's whereabouts during this sudden absence from the spotlight may never be known. One thing, however, is certain: China may now be a linchpin of the global economy and a force in international diplomacy, but the lives of its leaders remain an utter mystery...

So when the presumptive head of that opaque leadership disappears from public view, rumor mills naturally go into a frenzy...

[T]he U.S.-based website cited an unidentified source inside Zhongnanhai as saying Xi was injured in a staged traffic accident that was part of a revenge plot by Bo's supporters in the security forces...

This year, China has seen an unusual amount of political intrigue, with the spectacular downfall of Politburo member Bo exposing divisions within the leadership and prompting rumors of nefarious activity ranging from the wiretapping of top leaders to an attempted coup.
And this is the country that Canada wants to enter trade agreements with, about which I wrote here, in my blog post Oh Canada! China's Stooge:
Harper would rather negotiate with a secretive, ex-Communist country, rather than place some long-term bet on his European westerners.

Things Are Really Cooking Over at the Thinking Housewife

Image of writer Jeanne Darst from my blog post,
The Wrath of the White Woman where I write:
And no-one will be on the side of the white woman: Not the white boyfriend who betrays her; the Asian female who has had her eye on him from early childhood; the Asian immigrant parents who are more than happy to have a white son-on-law and future half-Asian grand kids, who will be more Asian than white; and not the multi-culti climate that dominates Western countries these days.

Continuing with the theme of white/Asian couples, here's a post at The Thinking Housewife:
In my home society in New Zealand, I have experienced white women effectively and strongly stigmatize interracial dating. In groups and in family conversations they will wistfully suggest that any man who dates an Asian girl does so evidently because he cannot handle a real woman like his mother and sisters; that is, he would rather play with a pliant little doll than rise to the challenge and rewards of pursuing a European woman. His father, grandfather and the real men who created this country out of a wild bushland did not stoop to such behaviour. Moreover they will be reluctant to accept an Asian girl into the family because she is not, and will never be, one of them. Dating an Asian girl is proof that he is a beta male and they genuinely pity him for what he has allowed himself to become. Where I live in Australia interracial dating is much more acceptable and common. The absence of social stigma is a reason why I entered into a relationship with an Asian girl in the first place. Were I back home, this would absolutely never happen. My next girlfriend was openly disappointed in me when I admitted that her predecessor is Asian. The converse is true too; several years ago my sister dated an Indian man and it was made abundantly clear to her that the men of our family would never accept him. He did not last long.
I've written exactly this:
But why the preference for Asian women [by white men]? [White women] are quadruple victims: of feminism; of Asian female aggression (at finding white mates); of their own personalities which fall between aggressive blacks and the more feminine-behaving Asians; and of the quest for "the other" by their white men. Lazy "feminist" white men are thus drawn to the other in the seemingly more feminine Asian women, and not willing to do the work of living with white women, something which their predecessors have done for centuries despite their forays into exotic lands and cultures.

These are the same white women whose genes provided for the extraordinary successes of the white race, which has now allowed, through modern technology and modern liberalism, its existential competitors to freely enter the West. Life in Western countries is coveted by almost all the peoples of the world. And these non-white, non-Western populations, who are allowed free entry into Western lands, give white men the pick of the world's crop, so to speak, when choosing "desirable" mates.

The supposedly less aggressive (compared to blacks and whites) Asian women thus behave the most aggressive of the three races when landing a white mate.
Here is a post I did on art-making and the abandonment of white women:
And white men are going for [non-white women], even in movie-making, abandoning their less "demure" white women; women, who after all participated in establishing their (the white men's) place in the hierarchy of races (and art-making). Perhaps violence and racial mixing go together, even if only in artistic endeavors. Forcing together unexpected elements is an aggressive, if not violent, act. And, at the end of the day, art is partly an expression, or a representation, of the society around it.
And here is what I said to my friendly diner waitress, who is white:
A group of white men and their Asian girlfriends were at the table next to me. I said to my white waitress: "Doesn't it bother you when you see so many white men with Asian women? They are taking away your chances of having a husband and children." The poor girl looked bewildered, but didn't disagree with me. She continues to give me good service when I go there, so she clearly didn't mind (or find racist) what I said to her.
Here are more posts I've done on this topic:
- The Wrath of the White Woman
- Radical Multi-Culti Chic
- Camera in Hand: Part II - Brookfield Place Eateries and Asian Hegemony
- The Pseudo Anti-Feminist, Liberal White Man
- Canada the Convenient
- Dolly Girl
- The Fetish of White Men: Asian Women
- Vera Wang's Eurasian Daughters
- The Retreating Tiger Mom
- Asian Not Quite Up To Par, Again

Trophy White Man

I've been writing quite a bit on Asian female/white male couplings these days, and it seems that it was a foresight to the "China/Canada" agreements that got ratified recently. I don't usually write about politics, but I have analyzed that situation to the best of my ability in a recent post which I titled: Oh Canada! China's Stooge. My general point is that Canada would rather build "economic" relations with a country it knows very little about, and whose culture and politics are not only very different from its own, but are closed and secretive, rather than with countries (say European countries) who have much more in common with Canada. It looks to me like a purely materialistic "relation" on the part of Harper, ultimately to the advantage of the Chinese.

I've written why I think white males opt for Asian women rather than their own white women, and attribute this partly to childhood trauma (young children are traumatized much more easily than we think) such as neglect by the white mother, who is off pursuing a "career," triggering off unresolved hostile feelings by the child, later manifested with rejection of white women.

But, why do Asian women opt for white men? I think it is to do with prestige. A white man is a catch. Even a white man of a lower echelon is a catch. He is higher up in the society scale than other races, he most likely has a better job, with chances for greater improvement, and earns more money on average. He is in short, a trophy, a "catch." He's the pot of gold that waits around to be grabbed.

Oh Canada! China's Stooge

Chinese Canadian Stories Research Team 2011-2012

Back Row
(L-R): Joanne Poon, Henry Yu, Denise Fong, Alejandro Yoshizawa, Jennifer Yip

Front Row
(L-R): Elena Kusaka, Wendy Phung, Rosanne Sia, Ethan Wong, Sarah Ling

Notice that Rosanne Sia (third from left in the front row) looks clearly mixed Chinese/white, although she looks more Chinese than white. As I said in this post, Chinese/white offspring will overwhelmingly associate with their Chinese background, rather than their white, Canadian one.

[Image from website Chinese Canadian Stories]

Canada and China signed a trade agreement here [at the APEC Summit Sunday September 9] that Prime Minister Stephen Harper said will give Canadian companies firmer legal footing when they invest in China.

Harper and Chinese President Hu Jintao witnessed the signing of the Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FIPA) after the two men held a private one-on-one meeting on the margins of the annual Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) summit.[Source: Sun News]
Is there really a dearth of countries who will buy Canadian goods? Isn't Europe a better option (if only to increase current relationships)? Even Mexico seems like a better deal these days. And of course, there is the neighbor to the south, which Harper seems to be subtly undermining.

Harper would rather negotiate with a secretive, ex-Communist country, rather than place some long-term bet on his European westerners.
...Harper said Europe has the resources to deal with the debt crisis on its own. He has rejected the idea of pledging more money to the IMF. Canada already pledged $10-billion to the fund in 2009. [Source: National Post]
And in the guise of economic benefits for Canada:
...about 65,000 Chinese students attend post-secondary institutions in Canada every year. Those students are worth a $1.7 billion boost to Canada’s economy.[Source: Toronto Sun, February 10, 2012
Harper certainly cannot be described as "wimpy," but I think his understanding of the world is skewed. He doesn't seem to understand that there are evil forces out there, and most of his actions and decisions seem to be based on economic gain. Why reduce immigration from poor countries, while leaving the door wide open to Chinese immigrants? His real purpose is that Chinese "engineers" and "scientists" will provide economic advantage to Canada. Yet, at this time of world recession, from which Canada is not exempt, what happens to the native Canadians and their prospects, with added competition superficially introduced into their mix?

Now to get to the main point of my blog.


I was in Home Outfitters today looking for a coffee canister. I instinctively looked at the "made in" label, as I do these days. All of the, ALL OF THEM, were made in China.

And right across the aisle from me was a Chinese couple, with a toddler girl asleep in a stroller. They were diligently shopping for a variety of things from a sink cover to an oil and vinegar container to place mats. They discussed prices, compared products, looked at color varieties, and finally bought the container.

They were a youngish couple. They could be the university students that Harper is so wholeheartedly supporting these days. Possibly post-graduate students - it is common for married couples with children to have one member enroll in graduate school, with all the benefits including married couples housing, day care centers, social groups, and even extra financial aid just for being married. Of course, foreign married students with children in post-graduate programs get special preference.

I was intrigued by them. I waited for a while trying to see what language they were speaking. It sounded like Mandarin to me. They were clearly "new comers" from their abrupt and clumsy behavior at manoeuvrings around the store. I stood there watching them, wondering what their purpose was in coming to Canada. I doubt they will want their daughter to grow up culturally "Canadian" although they will make sure she speaks fluent English, and can compete with the best that Canada has to offer.

What a convenient turn of world events. Cheap Chinese, western-styled goods are amply available in Canada, and will continue to stream in for the foreseeable future. They can "support" China while living their cushiony lives in a modern, first world country with all the amenities of: decent, superior, safe and solid homes, with ample rooms and two-car garages; safe neighborhoods; excellent education system; freedom of speech, thought and to walk around (and shop around) wherever they please; pollution-free environment; fresh, healthy food; and of course, opportunity (and financial ability) to have more than one child, etc., etc. They can even plan trips back to China to make sure their children know first hand about their country of origin.

So, they become (quickly) Canadian citizens, but in name only. Everything else is a Chinese/Canadian hybrid, with emphasis on the "Chinese."

China, of course, wholeheartedly supports, and even encourages this. More Chinese in Canada only means more Chinese influence in Canada.

As I wrote here, another phenomenon that is occurrinng is the Chinese/white coupling that is prevalent, with a "new" kind of people emerging from that: the Eurasians (white/Asian admixture), who look different, although more Asian than white, and who behave differently (I find them slightly more aggressive and insensitive - to noise, to color, to food tastes, and of course my topic of concern, to beauty). They also tend to group together, so in effect forming a new society. Their strength is also that they draw in Asians from the Asian continent, thus increasing the overall "Asianness" of Canada. There is likely to be a large demographic change in Canada within the next twenty years, with an Asian (including the admixtures) majority or close to majority, rather than a white one.

Harper at the APEC meeting with Asian leaders [Image source]


O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!

From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Flowers of the Unicorn Tapestry

The Unicorn in Captivity
South Netherlandish, 1495-1505
Wool warp with wool, silk, sliver, and gilt wefts
12ft. 7/18 in. x 8 ft. 3 in.
The Cloisters, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Gift of John D. Rockefeller Jr., 1937

I had been wanting to see the Unicorn Tapestries at the Cloisters for many years. I have blogged about them here, and even written about their floral designs in this article (posted on my blog) on plants in the decorative arts (the original pdf article is on pp 3-4 of the Summer 2007 issue of the Botanical Artists of Canada Newsletter). As I wrote in my blog post in 2010 (when I first wanted to see them):
I have never been to The Cloisters, but have always known that they house the beautiful tapestries The Hunt of the Unicorn. But, I was lucky to see another set of unicorn tapestries, The Lady and the Unicorn (La Dame à la Licorne), housed in the Musée de Cluny, in Paris.
And from my article:
One of the most enchanting mergers of scientific observation and religious symbolism are the tapestries of the Hunt of the Unicorn. These tapestries are covered with the late Medieval tradition of fields of millefleurs. When analyzed carefully, many of these flowers are clearly identifiable, in their correct environment. The Madonna Lily, depicted in The Unicorn in Captivity tapestry, is both a religious symbol of the purity of Mary and also a medicinal plant that treated burns, ulcers and ear infections, amongst other things.
Finally, I got to see them during my trip in New York this past August. I tried to take photos (without my flash, as instructed by the guards), but couldn't come up with any decent images, so I had to make do with a postcard of The Unicorn in Captivity from the gift shop.

Here is a link to the Met, which has details of the flowers on the tapestry:
The Unicorn Tapestries: Flowers, Plants and Trees

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Democratic National Circus

I meant to blog about this sooner, but it was fascinating to watch the big circus/carnival atmosphere that was going on at the DNC.

The Asian Woman's Jackpot of Marrying a White Man

Kelly Ripa with her new talk show host

There are interesting discussions going on at The Thinking Housewife about interracial marriage, or more precisely, interracial coupling.

Kelly Ripa, who is has been hosting the morning talk show Live with Regis and Kelly by herself after that old-time TV personality Regis Philbin retired as her co-host, is bringing on some forgotten football player as her new host. This might help the downward spiral of her show Live with Kelly sans Regis, although I don't think adding "Michael" to the title and bringing on this non-photogenic and clumsy co-host will help her much.

But I don't think that it is that surprising that Ripa goes for racial "diversity." She is married to a dark-skinned Hispanic third-rate actor (all his TV series and his films have been relegated to the deep recesses of production shelves), and occasionally brings him on to co-host with her to give him a break from the unemployment line.

Kelly Ripa with her husband

At another post on interracial coupling at Laura's site she notes that "40 percent of Asian women in America now marry outside their race" which means that they marry white men.

I see the same thing in Toronto where every third couple I see is that combination.

In fact, just a few days ago, I sat outside in a relatively busy part of town to have coffee, and practically all the couples that passed by me were the white male/Asian female variety. I even thought I should start some kind of tally.

Laura Wood comments that it is:
...the relative femininity of Asian women [that] is attractive to white men.
And here is where I disagree.

Since I'm bombarded with this vision on a daily basis, I decided to investigate what could be considered so attractive about Asian women that white men are leaving their own women in droves to couple with them.

Firstly, I don't think that Asian women are as "beautiful" as white or black women. I've written about this here and here.

Second, I don't even think Asian women are necessarily more docile (more feminine) than white or black women. The harshest argument (actually, twice) I've come across in a public setting are between a white male and an Asian female.

Third, I think the white male pairing off with an Asian female is some kind of fetishistic behavior that white men are exhibiting. Not to be too crude, but it is like some kind of odd Freudian background which makes some people desire feet, for example. So, it is more of a desire brought on by some psychological blockage rather than a true desire.

Fourth, following from the third point, white men are pairing off with Asian women because they are rejecting their own kind, which means that they are rejecting themselves, which means that they are rejecting their background which failed them at some point in their (early) life).

What could have set off this fetishistic behavior?

I can try to understand it.

- It could be that white women, after the rise and triumph of feminism, have neglected their men, and most importantly, their vulnerable young sons, to such an extent that all the family memories young men (and of course young girls, but they can buttressed with feminism and "girl power") have of their mothers are negative ones.

- I would think being neglected in day care centers practically from birth so their mothers can "go off to work," figures largely in this.

- Another most likely cause is the high divorce rates amongst white couples, leaving young children, and especially their sons, susceptible to all kinds of negative environmental impacts, including loneliness, feelings of neglect, awful daycare centers, resentment and even hatred of the parent they think caused this miserable life etc.

So, I agree that black women are generally more difficult to get along with, and partly that is because I don't think black women want to pair off with whites, but with other blacks.

That leaves with the conveniently placed Asian women, who, from my observations, seem to find it a kind of jackpot if they catch and marry (or pair off with) a white man. This is true both of recent Asian immigrants, and third or fourth generation Asian-Canadians. A white male is a better catch, materialistically, socially, culturally, and even aesthetically.

They cleverly behave well and docile during courtship, but start tightening the reins once they have successfully sealed the relationship. I've seen this happen in a couple of public situations. Here are high profile Asian/white relationship blowouts I've written about [1, 2].

And, often, these white men end up being a mediocre type, possibly a life-long disappointment (as Vera Wang's failed-business-man husband and Amy Chua's scholar-turned-erotic novelist husband show).

By then, the male has been coerced into including "Asianess" into the family life, and has children who look more like their Asian mother than his own mother (mixed Asian children always look Asian to me), so he is deeply into the relationship (which he agreed to and accepted when he first entered it). And any kind of "rebellion" will just make his life more difficult, so he sticks by this as long as he can.

On a related tangent, some high profile white male/Asian female divorces are happening, which I've written about here, which is a kind of litmus test for what's also happening in the rest of society.

From my experience, children of these mixed Asian/white couples are much more Asian, have no interest in white culture, will promote their "Asianess," and in a surprisingly twist of events, will couple with other Asians, and often with half-Asians like themselves, which gives them the best of all worlds: Canadian and western materialistic gains and a comfortable, familiar cultural lifestyle.