Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Ocean's of Technicolor

The opening credits are just as important as the film

Opening credits of "Ocean's Eleven" (1960). An artistry of graphics, lines, dots and typography.

The original Ocean's Eleven, with a house full of the best of the crop, was more fun than the latest George Clooney-Brad Pitt ramble (this is our modern version of the best of the crop!). Although the second version did capture some of the light hearted banters of the first, the actors in our newer, modern version simply lacked style, and a ubiquitous talent. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. go into impromptu song and dance, men and women meet and separate in realistic dialogues, but best of all are the opening credits.

It is rare these days that opening credits are designed with a unique artistry. Most are just simply the introduction to the film, without much thought to the design. In Ocean's Eleven (v.1) we get the impression that a specific designer was hired to make these credits, which stand out on their own as a short film to be viewed with or without the film.

Bonus: Dean Martin in Ocean's Eleven with his Kick in the Head.