Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Vera Wang and Chelsea Clinton's Wedding Dress

Chelsea Clinton's wedding details is being kept as much a secret as possible. My initial reaction was to her finance, who is the son of  Edward M. Mezvinsky. I suspect the Clinton family can never really be free from dubious associations. The aggressive nature of both Bill Clinton and Hillary will forever determine their choices and behaviors, but Chelsea seems tame and bland compared to her parents.

Something else that caught my attention was the designer Chelsea chose to design her dress for her. I have previously written about Vera Wang, who is the in designer for wedding dresses, and who left me unimpressed. Here is a blog on her (in two parts) which I titled "Vera Wang's Mounds of Chiffon."

Here is a previous post I did on Vera Wang's wedding dresses. And here are more posts on wedding dresses, where I bemoan the lack of formality, maturity, and even beauty in our current wedding dress designs.

Surprisingly, there is one designer I couldn't fault. It is Amsale, who's designs also go by her first name. Here is post I did on her, her style, and a few of her wedding dresses. And some of the reasons why I think she got her dresses right.