Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Literarily Lying

Anaïs Nin's Diaries

If memoirs are to be read like some kind of literary fiction, then Anais Nin's diaries must be at the top of the list.

She lived an apparently bohemian life of an artist, was a bigamist, and later her diaries (which she was writing from a very young age) were found to be specially edited and arranged for publication. In other words, she was liberal with her lies.

I tried reading these famous diaries once, but found them to be rather disorganized (ironically, since she spent so much time rearranging them) streams of consciousness.

For such a prolific writer, she is now in the shadows of literary acclaim.

Lying does make a difference.

Quote from Anaïs Nin:

"This is not a lie. I was starting to tell lies and struck a truth! Very often I tell lies that are deeply true."