Repeat Pattern for textile or
wallpaper print of "Lilac Bush"
One of the many ways that we can remember things is by making records of them. By pure chance, I had made a record of the the building from my previous post before it got demolished.
I'm not sure what will replace this building, probably a high rise since the neighboring building is one too.
There has been a construction spree going on throughout the downtown. Blogger Dispatches from the Hogtown Front talks about the skyscraperization of Toronto, at least the downtown part. His point is that it is probably increased levels of immigration that is fueling this rapid increase in development.
Although Hogtown Front mostly talks about the encroachment into green areas, where farmland and delicate natural sanctuaries are being destroyed, how different is that from demolishing attractive, sturdy buildings of some historical significance?
Geography and culture are being eroded for the sake of accommodating people from miles away with no compassion, understanding or even love for the real Canada.
I think the issues are more subtle than urban sprawl caused by immigration. Unlike ever before, new immigrants are transforming the symbols of this country into things totally alien to any of the residents here. Even within the diverse immigrant population, these symbols are not interchangeable. What we’re witnessing is replacement not for the better, but by the different, and in many cases for the worse.
Well, my small part has been to inadvertently record this, and what better way than as a textile design, full of the comfort, texture and tradition of cloth.
A larger part will take some thought.