Saturday, October 4, 2008

All About Lucy

The perfect match of celebrities and art

It looks like movie stars aren't just branching out into fashion and singing, but trying their hand at serious art these days.

That is what Lucy Liu has declared, saying that she recently had an exhibition of her work in Germany.

What turns out to be her "art" is really just another Damien Hurst look-alike. All concept and no skill. This was what Farrah Fawcett also revealed a few years ago, only to disappoint.

At least Lucy is bringing in the money, with her work selling for $330,000 at a UNICEF auction. If people want to buy it, that's their prerogative.

Here's a youtube of a Jimmy Kimmel show where Liu displayed her talents. Just scroll to the 8:21 point.

This is the era when art went to the, well, celebrities. A very embarrassing glitch in its prestigious history.