Thursday, May 28, 2009

New Blog Links

The Aussie, the fighter and the housewife

I've added three new links to my list of blogs, Oz Conservative, Ezra Levant blog, and The Thinking Housewife. I don't expect my list to grow into the fifty, sixty, or more blogs that some bloggers like to display. In fact, this is the first time I've updated my list in quite a while - I think that brings the total to fifteen! 

I've been reading Oz Conservative for a while. I found his site originally through google while I was doing my research for my article on the Buz Luhrmann film Australia. He writes mostly on social issues such as race and feminism, and with a traditional conservative stance. His writing is thoughtful with well-researched and referenced articles.

Ezra Levant is on a one-man battle against the Human Rights Commissions. That is not entirely true, since he does have numerous conservative writers and activists helping him out. But, he is certainly holding the torch.

The Thinking Housewife's blog is just that, a thoughtful assessment of society and culture from a housewife's point of view. One funny part was that Laura Wood (who is the author of this blog) had never watched an Oprah show until recently. I think she was left quite impressed. But, I would be cautious with Oprah. There are many things she gets wrong.