Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why Doesn't Michelle Malkin Write A Book On Conservatism?

I try to answer that further down

A conservative debating a liberal. Who comes
off as looking normal? Malkin was recently on
The View promoting her new book, and had
some altercations with the ultra-liberal Joy Behar.

Michelle Malkin is promoting her new book on Obama, titled, Culture of Corruption: Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies. She's doing the TV rounds, both on conservative and liberal shows. It is striking how maniacal she looks. I understand that debating liberals can be difficult, and being the true believers that they are, like Muslims, there is no way to penetrate their system.

But, Malkin made the initial mistake. Why stoke the flames with a book on Obama? I suspect the blogs, and even now the MSM, are beginning to out all those things she's talking about in her book.

During an interview with a blogger at 2blowhards, Jim Kalb, when asked about the unappealing nature of conservative in the media says:
They're not they can't explain why they reject the liberal program in favor of something else. The result is that their conservatism takes on an aggressive and arbitrary quality, at least in style.
My suggestion to her, and to other angry conservatives, is to keep calm when around liberals, but carve out your conservative movement, instead of spending all your time and angry energy castigating liberals.

Why not write a book on Palin? I'm afraid I know the answer to that already. How can she write about a marginal conservative, bordering on liberal, like Palin, and call it a book by and of a conservative? It is far easier to bash a liberal, than to define (re-define) and regroup your own movement.

Since Malkin seems to be at such a loss, I recommend that she read Jim Kalb's sane, reasoned, even-tempered and finally highly illuminating book: The Tyranny of Liberalism Understanding and Overcoming Administered Freedom, Inquisitorial Tolerance, and Equality by Command.

It is even available here in Canada. Well, I had to order it through Chapters/Indigo, and the guy who took the order kept asking me if this was the book I really wanted. I guess I don't look the type that reads such books.