I've been quite busy these past few days preparing for a project (numerous, actually), so I apologize for my sparse posts. In fact, this won't change much over the next few days.
In the meantime, here are some posts I'm working on:
- Who was the real Annie Le?
- Review of a delightful documentary The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story about the prolific duo who gave us so many musicals such as Mary Poppins, Winnie the Pooh, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and the list goes on.
- My recent attendance of my former professor's presentation on how (and why) he made his latest experimental/art film. At Q&A I was the only one to pose a question, but I will be discussing that further, and why I find the answer Mr. Elder gave me inadequate.
- And please take a look at The Thinking Housewife's demure explanation of the "O-Movement." Of course, the original O-Movement was formed by our very own Ms. Oprah Winfrey, who tries very hard never to be lewd, and whose pleasures seem to lean towards the sensual. I'm beginning to realize that our Original O is quite prudish - but that is for another post and another discussion.