Peter Brimelow, founder and editor of, has written a blog on his website about a lingerie company using the word Christmas on their catalog. Not only that, Brimelow graces his blog post with a photo of a woman in Christmas-red underwear.
A group of conservatives (I hate to use that word, because I'm convinced that many of them are variations of libertarians) are attending the The HL Mencken Club 2009 conference. And the conference is titled...
"We are Doomed!" with an exclamation mark, no less. It is of course after John Derbyshire new book (with exclamation mark in tact): "We are Doomed! Rediscovering Conservative Pessimism."
It is hard to imagine how anyone can accept to speak at such a conference. But James Kalb will be there to speak on "The EU Globalized--The Ends of Liberal Internationalism," so perhaps it isn't all that odd. Although, these days, I think Kalb is trying to be the great reconciler of conservatives.