[Photo by KPA]
These calm and lovely cows sit and mull over their surroundings.
Yesterday, they had more to look at. The Royal Bank building
in the background (whose windows are filled with pieces of
gold leaves) was glowing in the afternoon sun.
These are my favorite animal sculptures in Toronto. They sit in front of the Toronto Dominion Centre, calmly (as cows are wont to do) gazing at passersby. Some stop and sit to eat their lunch, drink a coffee, or dialogue with a colleague. But most just walk hurriedly by them.
I brought a small bottle of orange juice as a respite from the unbreakable heat we have here (although not as bad as what our neighbors to the south are experiencing), and sat on one of the few stone benches scattered around the grounds.
There is construction going on in the area (and has been for about a year now), and a construction worker walked by me.
"Hello there," I called out a greeting.
"Hi," replied the busy man, walking on.
"Have you been working around here for long?" I persisted. "Don't you think these cows have been given a scrubbing recently?"
He stopped, and laughed. And looked back at the cows.
"Yes they do look cleaner. They just got moved back from another location."
"Yes, I know. Maybe they wanted them to look as good as new, now that they're back in their old place. Thanks, bye."
He went off chuckling.