Saturday, November 22, 2008

Little House on the Prairie

Morally and emotionally true

I cannot verify this, but this site says this is a photo of
Laura Ingalls at the Rocky Ridge ravine, MO.

I've been able to catch some reruns of the beautifully crafted "Little House on the Prairie" TV series. I won a prize when I was eight or nine, for which I received Laura Ingalls Wilder's book. I must have read it dozens of times. I even remember the cover well, a dark orange background with an ink drawing of a log cabin on a hill. The dog-eared book is long gone now.

Many will scoff at the TV show as a feel-good nostalgic look of the golden past. But the stories are emotionally, and dare I say morally, so real that nothing from the current TV crop compares to them.

What make so me angry (that is the only honest emotion I can come up with) is how the CBC has appropriated this lovely series, so true and honest, for their prime time "Little Mosque on the Prairie" multi-culti showcase. This Muslim show has nothing to prove other than to affirm the Muslim presence in Canada. And not only that, to show that Muslims are living in the prairies their own Muslim-centered lives, which has nothing in common with the rest of Canada, let alone with the original TV series.