Saturday, November 8, 2008

Michelle's Fashion Sense

ordinary career woman

Michelle's dress choices for two of the most important
events of her life so far:
on election night (left) and at the DNC.
But she should really wear higher heels
and also nylons are more appropriate.

People are talking about Michelle Obama's fashion sense, and how she would be the black Jackie Kennedy of the White House.

In fact, there is really nothing spectacular about how she dresses.

Most women her age, who work in high level positions in large institutions have to dress conservatively, and attractively. Many retail stores also cater to women like her, providing a plethora of work clothes that now look feminine and attractive. And style magazines give thousands of tips and advice on how to acquire some kind of respectable dress sense.

So, Michelle's fashion efforts are not based on her creativity and originality. In fact, there are telling moments, when her coordinates are too matched, or the too-appropriate accessory is reminiscent of "In-Style" dos and don'ts columns.

Of course, she is a little more than ordinary, with a six-figure salary. So despite her insistence that she is frugal, she can still afford some extravagance, which can translate as style.

But what is revealing are the three really unappealing dresses that she chose for the most important days of her life - her DNC appearances, and on election day.

Is the step from quasi-ordinary office woman to wife of the president-elect too much? Is that also any indication that Obama (whose graying hair was carefully dyed at his election night appearance) will also start to cave in now that he has attained the pinnacle of his career?

The strangest thing about that night, though, is the dress of their youngest daughter. Black, from head to toe, on a little girl? Even the black stockings on the older girl are odd. Why not leave her legs bare (like Michelle's, although that is a faux pas by the adult Michelle for such an important event.)

Fashion in the White House really is not a pressing issue. But I wish people would stop comparing Michelle Obama to the inimitable Jackie Kennedy.