Friday, April 17, 2009

A Diagram To Explain Secularists as Parasites


Heather MacDonald's nonchalant comment that religions (read Christians here) are parasites on secularists really touched a nerve, and I blogged about it here.

I tried to explain that it is exactly the reverse. That it is secularists who are parasites on Christians and I used the dying Europe as an example. Europe's secular leaders, who are using Christian-based morals (one of the axes of Western Civilization) to govern it, are slowly killing it off, as parasites are wont to do.

I tend to see things better in visual form, so here is a really simple diagram to describe the really potent quote from MacDonald.

Christians killing off secularists after stealing their moral codes? No. In fact secularists and society at large flourish because of these moral codes.

Secularists killing off Christians (and the rest of society - big accusation, this) after stealing their moral codes? More likely. Just look at Europe.

Simplistic? But that is how inanely simplistic MacDonald's comment was.