Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Chic Homesteaders

That are the Obamas

The Obama homesteaders

There's an odd article by Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan entitled: "Goodbye Bland Affluence. Get ready for authenticity chic."

Now, there is nothing really wrong with the title, but I would think that the type who gets rid of "bland affluence" readily welcomes "authenticity chic", if only for the "chic" smuggled in there somewhere; authenticity without the chic would not cut it.

In fact, Noonan doesn't talk about anything chic at all, but she does make some kind of an attempt at prophesying a new post-recession era of homesteaders.

So what is the photo of Mrs. Obama doing on the cover of her story? The photo is of Michelle Obama out in the White House gardens planting the seeds for her organic garden. And it is a deceptive photo. Growing organic seems more of a hobby than subsistence for the Obamas, and Michelle's, "We’re going to serve it at some State Dinners" sounds more of a conversation piece than a survival plot.

Why is Noonan (or the WSJ) putting that photo with Noonan's Armageddon piece about the demise of civilization and our return to basic survival mode? Well, every other MSM writer, at some point, gets caught up in the Obama Hope and Change mantra and starts to believe it. Noonan is no different, and in fact was on the bandwagon from the beginning.

If the country is going to go down to hell in a hand basket, well, why not have the chic homesteaders, the Obamas, lead the way?