Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Benny Hill Does Have A Sense of Humor

Although he never comes out and says "catsmeat"

I've never really liked Benny Hill, especially his propensity to include dubious looking ladies in his skits.

But, in view of a a harmless joke on a lefty's blog( a lefty dubbed forever Catsmeat Kinsella by the the right wing faction), and the retaliation of the Chinese community to his harmless joke, I thought that in a sane world, this Benny Hill skit might get a few chuckles. That is, until the various levels of the Chinese community political branches decide that it's an HRC-worthy offense.

Here's the Youtube skit, uncannily titled: "Benny Hill as Chinese fish & chip shop owner Chow Mein, found guilty by Industrial Tribunal":

This skit, a little long at eight minutes, but you can get the gist after a couple - make sure to watch until the Indian walks in - is funnier and more timely, than it initially looks.

A Chinese shop owner is brought to an "industrial tribunal" by an Indian staff for work-related injuries. Language, accent, idioms and many other subtleties get in the way. The Indian and the Chinese are happily chattering away while the poor tribunal is jumping hoops to understand what exactly is going on.

Welcome to our multi-culti twenty-first century.