Monday, July 27, 2009

Obama's Expressions

He just can't run away from those

I did a quick, rough recording of Obama's speech
directly from the computer, and edited out most
of it except for these short 13 seconds.
Images are indeed worth a thousand words.
I've tried to analyze them. But, maybe it's
enough just to watch.

I was viewing this short video from ABC of Obama's pseudo-apology to Sgt. Crowley, and found each sentence in those short six minutes irritating enough to warrant a rebuttal, but I will leave it all to this 13-second visual segment. About four minutes into the speech, Obama says:
The fact that this has become such a big issue I think is indicative of the fact that [Obama shrugs his shoulders, nods his head sideways, mouths "you know"] race is still [does a twisting motion with his right hand with a grimace on his face] a troubling aspect of our society...
I don't know how to adequately analyze these facial expressions and body movements. My best shot is that it's as though Obama is saying: "Well, we know that we'll never really get rid of racism, as long as those evil racists are around. And I can't quite get a handle on this racism thing, but it sure would go away if the culprits wanted it to go away. I mean, don’t they get it that they’re racists?"

Anyway, here's more of the true Obama coming out to the open in unexpected ways. Video footage can only conceal so much of him, thanks to gestures and expressions.