[photo by KPA]
I've posted this image before for New Year's. So, a cheery, bright and happy New Year. I think hard times are ahead for planet earth, but that doesn't mean we cannot (and should not) recognize her beauties.
"the great successor to the revolution" and "the eminent leader of the military and the people." [Source: cbc.ca]Here is an excerpt from unpublished article I wrote on the Chinese Olympics and the "giant" perspectives of the Chinese designers:
While discussing his experience working with Western actors, Yimou says: “[They] were so troublesome [because] in the middle of rehearsals they take two coffee breaks…[T]here can’t be any discomfort, because of human rights…[T]hey have all kinds [of] organizations and labor union structures. We’re not like that. We work hard; we tolerate bitter exertion.”[1] Like the suffering his heroines endure, Yimou confesses that he sees nothing wrong with exerting pressure and discipline on his performers to have them conform to his giant designs.Individuals are swallowed by the giant collective. So it is not surprising that giant portraits and statues dominate in communist countries, where the individual has to understand from the cultural environment around him that he is part of "the mastery of synchronized masses." As I wrote in the article:
Throughout China’s history, there seems to have been an overpowering preference for the individual’s submergence into the collective. Confucius lays out the ground rules for this coexistence, and Communism was the harshest, most inhumane, example of that history. Yimou is simply recording this cultural reality. He further demonstrates this with his direction of the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony. The spectacular ceremony consisted of thousands (15,000 in total) of Chinese performers shifting in huge carpets of precise and united movement.But as I've show in a previous post, this mastery of the masses is executed by an elite (and self-proclaimed) few, and North Korea is no different.
The world of Chinese human coordination is brought to light when Yimou compares Chinese performers to those of North Korea. He says: “Other than North Koreans, there’s not one other country in the world that can achieve such a high quality of performance.” Yimou didn’t compare his 15,000 synchronized human bodies to American or European artistry, but to an enclosed, isolated extreme dictatorial state like North Korea...
Olympics which took place in Westernized countries - the US, Australia and Greece to name a few - emphasized more individualized performances and content-rich opening ceremonies, rather than the mastery of synchronized masses.
According to the memoir of a man who says he spent 11 years as the Kim family's sushi chef, Jong-Un possesses his father's toughness and ambition.---------------------------------------------------------------------
The chef, who goes by the pen name Kenji Fujimoto, described Jong-Un as a competitive, even ruthless, child.
Dressed in a military outfit, the young Jong-Un "glared at me with a menacing look when we shook hands" the first time they met, Fujimoto wrote in Kim Jong-Il's Chef. "I can never forget the look in his eyes which seemed to be saying, 'This one is a despicable Japanese.'"
Rei Kawakubo has refused to accept stereotypes in fashion.I wonder if this is Michelle's attempt at trying to look young and trendy herself?
AMONG the plethora of international labels that biannually produce fashion according to what’s written in the stars, Comme des Garcons stands out simply because it doesn't give a glossy toss about fitting into the conventional world of style.
To understand why this is, one just has to look beyond the clothes to the label’s designer, Rei Kawakubo, the mastermind behind the label's non-conformist clothes. Although she has been designing collections for over 20 years, Kawakubo happily remains a nemesis to the system and, as a result, has often been labelled “anti-fashion” and her work, unprecedented and difficult to categorise.
Here’s a quick run-through of some of her work: When she first showed her range in Paris in 1982, her austere, almost monastic, clothes were so different from the colourful creations of the time that her style was dubbed “Hiroshima chic”. She also introduced the now familiar and much imitated “unfinished” look with ripped clothes and exposed seams on wool suits and squarely declared that “what’s inside is more important than the outside”.
But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. [Matthew 5:39]I think they do this so that they can get away with their ultimate purpose, which is to destroy Christianity, and to have no retaliation in the process, having turned these "devout" Christians into inert bystanders.
Mary was unmarried, young, and poor. This pregnancy would shape her future. She was certainly not the first woman in this situation or the last.
As in the past it is our intention to avoid the sentimental, trite and expected to spark thought and conversation in the community. This year we hope to do so with an image and no words. We invite you to wonder what your caption might be.
Although the make-believe of Christmas is enjoyable - with tinsel, Santa, reindeer, and carols - there are also some realities. Many in our society are suffering: some through the lack of money, some through poor health, some through violence, and some through other hardships. The joy of Christmas is muted by anxiety.
In this season we encourage one another to be generous to those who suffer, to give to strangers, and to care for all – especially those who have the least. Like the first Santa, St Nicholas did. [From the St. Matthew-in-the-City website]
[T]he "kiss" between the two "female" "sailors" (see how more and more of reality must be placed in scare quotes nowadays, as per Laura's second point?) is a perverted copy of the sort of romantic kiss we remember from the World War II period, like the famous photograph by Alfred Eisenstaedt of a sailor embracing (in the French sense of the word) a woman in Times Square on VJ Day [Eisenstaedt 's above photo is posted here].In this complicated, manufactured world of homosexual constructions, it is difficult to decipher what roles these "females" - lesbians, and "males" - homosexuals, are playing. Here is what I think might be going on.
Meanwhile, culturally approved "kisses" between "men" and "women" today all look something like this: [photo of a contemporary male and female couple posted here].
The annual Christmas display is the result of the generosity, enthusiasm, and dedication of the late Loretta Hines Howard, who began collecting crèche figures in 1925 and soon after conceived the idea of combining the Roman Catholic custom of elaborate Nativity scenes with the tradition of decorated Christmas trees that had developed among the largely Protestant people of northern Europe. This unusual combination first was presented to the public in 1957, when the Metropolitan Museum initially exhibited Mrs. Howard's collection. More than two hundred eighteenth-century Neapolitan crèche figures were given to the Museum by Loretta Hines Howard starting in 1964, and they have been displayed each holiday season for nearly forty years. Linn Howard, Mrs. Howard's daughter, worked with her mother for many years on the annual installation. Since her mother's death in 1982, she has continued to create new settings for the Museum's ensemble and additional figures that she has been lending to the collection. In keeping with family tradition, Linn Howard's daughter, artist Andrea Selby Rossi, now joins her mother each year in creating the display.
Her delivery sounds more fit for an obscure web series than broadcast television; she mumbles and low talks through her questions and response. This, coupled with her name and the general knowledge of how she got her job, strikes a discordance against the sort of story she’s reporting. A tale of elite privilege sharing the story of poverty.She may learn to get better, but she took on this job along with a busy schedule of: Married life, doctoral studies in History at NYU, and working for her father's foundations. All this for a "feel-good" job, almost as fluffy as her wedding dress. She credits her grandmother, Hillary's mother, for: "cajoling me and challenging me to do more with my life, to lead a more of purposely public life." Didn't our current president spend many years as a "community organizer" perhaps with the same intent as First Daughter Chelsea, and the hopes of a "more purposely public life?" Are we seeing a future "Mrs. President" here, a post which Chelsea's mother couldn't quite snag, and whose biggest (and most vicious) rival was the "nice" community organizer Barack Obama? Maybe Chelsea can learn more from him than from her mother (and no need to trace back the authenticity of her various degrees).
Will the story get attention because of her name? Yes. For her name, not for the quality of reporting. Is that the new standard defining good journalism?
I thought Paul was strong on Jay Leno, but should probably not have cozied-up to the Left in the way he did. More on that later: [video provided]This is the section that really needs attention:
...About Bachmann, Paul Said, “she doesn’t like Muslims, she hates them, she wants to go get ‘em.’” “In reference to Rick Santorum, Paul said he can’t stop talking about ‘gay people and Muslims.’” (ABC)
Leave aside whether these statements are true or not: Paul has taken a classic Chris-Matthews kind of ad hominem swipe against Michele Bachmann: she hates Muslims. Santorum hates gays and Muslims [Mercer sounds fine so far]. Siding with the Left by adopting its arguments may be situationally advantageous, but it is wrong, and will backfire on a Republican candidate in the long run [Back to normal for Mercer. Ron Paul a Republican candidate? Libertarians always want to latch on to some "respectable" organization, to deflate their positions which ordinary people would not accept] .
This tactic, even if it was a not-so-funny joke, damages Ron Paul’s effectiveness from the vantage point of conservative libertarians [Oxymoron?]who think that liberty cannot be reduced to the non-aggression axiom and has a cultural and civilizational dimension.
Paul is wrong to imply, reductively, that Islamic terrorism in general and September 11 in particular are the sole consequences of American foreign policy. Libertarians cannot persist in such unidirectional formulations. Our adventurous foreign policy is a necessary precondition for Muslim aggression but it is far from a sufficient one.The first paragraph starts off good enough, but as usual with Mercer, she goes full steam ahead to reveal her true libertarian colors.
President George W. Bush, first lady Laura Bush, former first lady Barbara Bush and former President George H.W. Bush sit surrounded by family in the Red Room of the White House January 6, 2005 in Washington, DC. Friends and family joined former President Bush and Barbara Bush in celebrating their 60th wedding
Happy Holidays [not Merry Christmas]
Wishing you and your family all the joy of the holiday season [no mention of Christmas, again. "Holiday season" uncapitalized...] and the hope that the New Year brings ["New Year" capitalized].
Barack, Michelle, Malia and Sasha [we are on first-name basis with the president].
Why does Michelle allow her daughter to wrap herself around her like that?I found the "wrapping around" odd behavior, despite the relaxed, family-oriented rather than formal, intent of the photograph. But, the collection of other presidential family portraits I've posted above, and even in the most casual shots, have a certain formality and decorum.
What kind of daughter anyway (except for these self-conscious "low-self-esteem" types, who are always looking for attention) behaves like that?I try to answer the question thus:
I think Michelle must be a distant, and not very affectionate mother, for all the talk she does about her daughters. And I think that Malia has to seek that affection.In any case, irrespective of any psychological dynamics that go on within their house, many people avoid bringing them to the outside. Such an onus is especially placed on the First Family. Granted, modern-day presidential privileges are few, or tainted, such as having images of the couple and its family get taken at the oddest moments. But, such an adroit person as Michelle Obama surely could handle these difficulties. As I showed above, families with deep internal difficulties, including even the Clintons, often put on a brave and solid face before the public. The Obamas seem to just "let it all hang out."