Monday, December 26, 2011

Allan Gardens Conservatory Decorations

The Allan Gardens Conservatory (I've posted about it here and here) has put up Christmas decorations. They are interspersed, almost like a treasure hunt, throughout the conservatory. Above are photos I took of giant baubles at the entrance, of one of many Christmas trees decorated with flowers, and of Christmas wreaths.

I also took many of poinsettias, which give a lovely festive air to the conservatory. They are everywhere. I asked the gardener about the dramatic names placed before some of the poinsettias (Shimmer Pink, Snow Cap, Da Vinci), and he told me that they were the names of the hybrids. They are created in Mexico, which apparently has a large poinsettia hybrid export industry, and come as far north as Toronto. I wanted to ask him why they cannot be bred right here in Toronto. Instead I wished him a Merry Christmas, and thanked him for keeping the conservatory so beautiful, especially during the holidays.

[Photos by KPA]