Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Art and Science of Lilies

Madonna Lily
Pierre-Joseph Redouté

I've searched around for the names of the lilies on my previous post and Pink Damask looks like a better fit for the first lily than Tiger Lily. And the second could be a Sammy Russell.

Here is a pretty comprehensive on-line source on lilies.

Lilies have been a special subject of two botanical illustrators of the 19th century. I think the attention given them is because they are so varied and numerous, as well as having many symbolic references in religion and literature.

I have already referenced W.H. Fitch in a previous blog post. Fitch illustrated A Monograph of the Genus Lilium (1877-1880) by the British scientist H.J. Elwes.

The second is by the renowned illustrator Pierre-Joseph Redouté, who has a whole treatise on lilies in his Les Liliacées.