Friday, September 2, 2011

Cultural Muslim Beaten Up By Muslims for His Book on Muslims

This highly sexualized image of  
Gabrielle Dipersico, co-author of
Wake Up Call, with her pouting
lips, heavy make-up, tousled hair
and bare breasts, is on the cover of
the book.

The print at the top of the book reads:
"An Awakening that's Socially Unacceptable"


Paris Dipersico, a writer from Canada who identifies himself as “We are Muslim, but we were raised in Canada” was assaulted by Muslims, and continues to receive death threats from Muslims, for his fictional book Wake Up Call.

Here is the synopsis of the book:
[Wake Up Call] begins with the awkwardness of adolescence, of [a young boy] trying different addictions and exploiting different sexuality to see where he fits in.
And the Toronto Sun informs us:
Released in June, [Wake Up Call] has been accused of being pornographic, celebrating drug use and mocking various religions
About the author's take on Islam (posted at
Although [being] brought up in a Muslim household, [Depersico] questions the very existence of God and says: "Islam is a religion of 'peace' and Muslims will kill you to prove it."
Depersico's Muslim assailants and took him to a forest where they beat him and left unconscious, from Wire Services Canada:
Author Paris Dipersico has been discharged from Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital after he was dragged into a forest and beaten unconscious by two male assailants Wednesday morning. Police said the victim’s hands were bound and Det. Sgt. Anthony Odoardi said they are confident the attack was targeted due to the controversial nature of his book Wake Up Call...
More from the Toronto Sun on Depersico's assault:
Raised Islamic, Paris Dipersico, 24, reported being dragged from his bicycle Aug. 17, tied up among trees, then beaten briefly unconscious by two Muslim men.
Accused of being gay, they then “called me a Jew in Arabic and said the Jews are paying you to write this against Islam,” the author of Wake Up Call said Thursday.
Depersico is getting support from Canadian law enforcement (and reporters) because he was attacked for his homosexuality. The Toronto Sun states that "Halton police are treating [the] a possible hate crime."

But Muslim wrath is beyond our control. Any misstatement of the Koran, any challenge through debate or writings of the religion, any perceived insult, or aberration (such as a homosexual who calls himself a "cultural Muslims") will incite their ire, as we have seen in countless examples from the Dutch politician Geert Wilders to the "Danish cartoonist" Kurt Westergaard. Yet, Wilders, and in his own clumsy way Kurt Westergaard, are there to defend Western culture, to be able to live in societies run by Western principles.

Dipersico's attachment to Western society is ambivalent at best. His statement "We are Muslim, but we were raised in Canada [why not and we were raised, why the apologetic "but"?] I think reveals that his true loyalties lie with his non-Western, culturally Muslim background, and not the Canada where he grew up.

But the wrath for Muslims who denounce their faith is strongest. It is unacceptable to Muslims that a Muslim who was once a believer (or born a believer) reject the faith. Being born a Muslim is enough to tie one to Islam for life, with no capacity to leave. That is how Muslims view Dipersico, and his situation.

But we should not support authors like Dipersico either, whose book Wake up Call is anti-religious (not just anti-Islam), misogynistic, anti-Western culture, anti-marriage (and monogamy), and pornographic.

His prescription for the West is: to espouse all-permissive sexuality, and to give free reign to homosexuality; to remove religion from our culture, and more importantly Christianity; to destroy marriage (and hence the family, which is built on marriage). He mocks and belittles monogamy, and there is a subtle hint of misogyny in his statements, which is is found amongst homosexuals and Muslims (I wonder if he ever thought that these two had some (at least this one) common ground).

Depersico's acknowledgment of his background as "We are Muslim, but we were raised in Canada" was not enough for his Muslim attackers. His ambiguous declaration of his identity is more of a cultural identification rather than a religious one. His writing showed that he had maligned the religion. Discussing his book in this video, Dipersico says that "...much of the book is autobiographical."

Depersico wants it both ways. He wants his Muslim cultural identification, but he also wants to remove, or subdue, the elements of Islam that he doesn't like (namely its death sentence on homosexuals), with the help of Canadian law, culture and society. This way, he can live his blend of a Western and a Muslim life, while parasitically using Western culture and society to achieve this.

Increasingly, in multicultural Canada, non-Western identities are boldly coming to the fore. This is in effect an anti-Western stance. This means cultural groups are taking advantage of the useful and beneficial elements of Western, Canadian culture, which then allow them to live their lives in varying degrees of their non-Western cultures and religions.

So far, I know of only one prominent non-Western counter-Jihadist (and in his way, a leader) we can trust to support our society. Sam Solomon, the former Muslim and Sharia law expert (and enforcer), who converted to Christianity, has acknowledged that to combat Islam, we need a spiritual force that is stronger than Islam. In his wise and thought-out perspective, he believes that Christianity is the best spiritual combatant against Islam.

Therefore, we do not need "allies" like Depersico because they are not really allies of Western culture. They side with us because of the common cause against Islam, or at least the Islam which they do not like. And we need allies who are at least sympathetic to Christianity, since without Christianity, there would be no Western culture.

The Halton police had no choice but to protect Depersico on compassionate (and professional) grounds, . But as the presence, and strength, of Islam in the West grows, and as discontented "Muslims" like Depersico keep voicing, and writing about, their griefs, we will only see more of these death-threat types of reactions by Muslims.

And Muslim infidels like Depersico receive the harshest predicament of all, since they once accepted Allah, but now have rejected him, the highest spiritual crime one can commit in Islam. For how long can we keep taxing ourselves for such alien bodies living in our societies?

The only solution is to stop Muslims from coming to our cultures, and to remove those already here and return them to their own Muslim countries where they will not be "tempted" to malign the Koran, or go against Islam, whether inadvertently or deliberately. At least we will be saving their lives (or from life-long death sentences). Since I've stated above that the strongest weapon against Islam is Christianity, we can only advocate the conversion of Muslims to Christianity, en mass if possible. But missionary work in Muslim countries is too dangerous, so our mission is to encourage from a distance.

We need to make our countries as Muslim free (or as free from Muslim dictates) as possible. If not, we will live with sporadic violence, which might well turn into full-on upheavals as Muslims attempt turn our countries into an Islamic Ummah, something which they, as Muslims, have no choice but to follow. Here is Lawrence Auster's "What to do about Islam: a collection" at the View From the Right, for detailed analyses, and concrete proposals.