I wrote in my previous post how doing things (being active, constructive) and pursuing excellence are the sure things to combat the liberal hegemony step-by-step. Each little step has exponential repercussions down the road, is my firm belief.
By pursuing true and good things, I think we reach unexpectedly (since we often cannot predict them) the right goals.
Please excuse reverting to my story, which I told a little of in the past post.
It is tempting to be with the "in" artsy crowd. A tiny, two minute film is watched and inspected with awe and admiration - irrespective of what it means or even if it is any good artistically. Reasonably artistic people can make such films, they are inexpensive, and totally idiosyncratic. You can make them mean whatever you wish.
I have had classmates who got sucked into this world. And when I watch what they do now (at the few occasions), I wonder and say: all that effort, all that posing, for this! Do they not realize how empty it is?
When I ask them what their purpose is, what it is they think they’re doing in this discipline, what they want the rest of the world to know, they always come up either with a nihilistic answer like: “well, we just want to fight against the system,”or a cop-out one of “we are only interested in art, and that is hard to explain.” One woman actually said that she wanted people to make sloppy, badly constructed, non-Hollywood films to show the individual artist’s mark against the “capitalist” hegemony of Hollywood.
So, it is with some wonder, and great pleasure that by consciously abandoning a nihilistic and dark discipline, I have entered into a light and open field, a field which gives me contact with true humanity (home, family, beauty, patterns), and where creativity is not a heavy burden (like my former film colleagues always complain) but a new shape and form to capture.
By giving up the burdensome and the false, we will always end up with the true and the beautiful. That is the faith people should have.