I've written before about Obama's deep bow to the King of Saudi Arabia, and found it eerie and frightening. That is because I think it was an automatic action. All those years Obama spent in Indonesia, living as young Muslim boy, manifested themselves in one sweep and bow in front of this leader of the Muslim world. Obama's true picture was prostrate for all to see. Images don't lie.
What about his Japanese bow? I think that was just to stick it into our faces. It was deliberately antagonistic to America, which has no protocol of bowing to any monarch. And bowing to a non-Western monarch was another dig at the ribs. He and his wife never gave that same deference to the Queen of England. In fact his wife treated her like an elderly biddy, rubbing her back and acting superior and condescending towards her.
I think I am more angry at Obama's bow to Emperor Akihito, who to his credit looked on rather embarrassedly, and certainly never reciprocated the behavior. Here, like Michelle's deliberately ugly fashion choices, it is a case of "I don't care what you think. I'm going to bow to whomever I want. But that means no deference to white monarchs."
Yes, anti-American and anti-Western behavior coming directly from the American President, and his wife. They will use any method to stab the American public; him with his increasingly bold and antagonistic public behavior, she with her aggressive and insulting fashion choices.