Sunday, November 15, 2009

Carrie Prejean's Simply Stated Truth About Marriage

Too much for the sophisticates

Is it now shameful to hold a Bible and
read from it in public, especially
if you are blonde and beautiful?

Carrie Prejean, the beautiful pageant participant who is caught up in her past errors and honest rebuttals said these simple, true and pure words about marriage at an ad campaign for the National Organization for Marriage:
Marriage is good. There is something special about unions of husband and wife. Unless we bring men and women together, children will not have mothers and fathers.
She has made some terrible choices in her young age. But, I have never heard an argument for marriage said in such a succinct way. Yes, unless we bring men and women together, children will not have mothers and fathers.

I guess this is too simplistic for libertarian sophisticates. I would think as someone of age to be at least a mother to this young girl, describing her as a cretin is particularly venomous on Mercer's part. I wonder why such disdain for the girl? I think Carrie's crime is her basic, unsophisticated Christianity - too much for this "rational" atheist. Perhaps Carrie struck a chord, like I think I did those emails ago when I challenged Mercer about nationality.

And what about Yeagley the conservative American Indian, who says white women are the most beautiful in the world, but when one stands in front of him, a little tarnished it is true, he seems to happily magnify the faults?

Hmmm, non-Christians, non-Westerners? I always find they come out with their own (pure) opinions, exactly describing their own backgrounds.

But, more to the point, if nitpicking adult pundits are not willing to help Carrie Prejean, a young woman caught up the world she has inherited from these adults, that is the tragedy. People should save their acerbic remarks for the old fogies who willingly commit their sins, not young women trying to expiate theirs.

Give the young a chance, and a helping hand.