's editor was kind enough to publish my long article on the The Ghost Writer, the new film by Roman Polanski. My article is overly long. But, it is mostly a description of the visual elements of the film. I really wrote it as a guide for moviegoers, to help them to understand the cinematic language that very good directors like Polanski use. Most films these days are just special effects, with simplistic visual and sound elements. Polanski has made a subtle film, with sophisticated direction.
The film review is also more of a cinematic review rather than a political take on what has now become a Polanski cliché. Many reviewers consider this film to be anti-American. I'm not so sure, and neither is one of the commenters on the article. In fact, I try to prove that it is not an anti-American film, which is a political stance on its own. But, to be fair, I concentrated much more on reviewing the visuals (and the sounds) of the film, rather than connecting it to politics.