Friday, December 3, 2010

Vdare's Woes

Photo of Peter Brimelow posted at VDARE.Com
during their current fund raising drive

I wonder why Peter Brimelow decided to post the above photo for his fund raising drive at Vdare? Is it because it is the most current? It looks it. But, how "old" are photos which are a year or two old? Isn't better to have a complimentary photo, taken a year or two ago, rather than an uncomplimentary one taken recently?

I believe that people demonstrate their inner conflicts and troubles in their expressions. Trying to cover them up only results in conflicted manifestations. Also, I believe that people with inner conflicts have a hard time deciphering their (and others') expressions. What looks strong may be weak, what looks attractive is subtly devious.

I don't mean to malign people, but Brimelow is a leaders of some kind who is asking us, mere plebs, to be his followers of sort. Brimelow wants us to read his online magazine Vdare. I recently wrote about his marriage to a woman almost forty years his junior, whom he met...through his online magazine! And now they have an infant daughter together. A sixty-some-year-old man with a twenty-something wife, and a new baby. Old enough to be the grandfather of his daughter is one unpleasant factor. But I wonder how this young girl will grow up, with an aging father who by the time she is ready to get married - the norm being in her twenties, like her is mother now - will be a real senior citizen who should be getting ready for his last rites?

My understanding is that Brimelow is a libertarian. Libertarians' overriding motto seems to be "don't harm anyone" which gives them license to do whatever they desire, as long as it doesn't violet their sacrosanct motto. I write here [1, 2] about my email interactions with another libertarian, Ilana Mercer, and her sly revelations (they never come out with it directly, do they?) that I had to glean from her abusive emails to me that absolution through the miraculous grace of "not harming anyone" seems to be the way out for libertarians to allow the supreme individual to triumph.