Saturday, June 4, 2011

From Wasilla to Washington

The Palin Family: from Wasilla to Washington

The above photo is from an article in the Daily Mail: Sarah Palin 'pulls daughter Willow out of school so she doesn't ruin Presidential hopes'. Is this is Palin's attempt to prevent Willow from turning into Bristol?

The whole family is positioned as though they're players in some kind of grass chess game. Track, for some reason, is without his new wife Britta (did he marry her for her name?!). Bristol, holding her "out-of-wedlock" son Trig, got even more famous from Dancing with the Stars and is in the works for another reality TV show, which includes a new face and a new, live-in boyfriend. Piper might actually be the one to watch. She's the one positioned closest to Palin, even a little ahead of her. It's not clear what Todd Palin will be doing if they ever make it to Washington, but he doesn't look comfortable with the spotlight. Palin, for some reason, continues to hold our fascination, partly because she's an attractive female, and partly, of course, because of her chaotic family life.

I keep forgetting that Sarah Palin has a young toddler who has Down Syndrome. And that she has another son, the eldest of her children, who just married his "high school sweetheart" - isn't that what Sarah did too? Track Palin (let's leave those names aside for now) is 22, and was enlisted in the army. His 21-year-old wife plans to be a nurse and work in a local hospital. The attention has mostly been on Bristol, and to a lesser degree Palin's other daughters, that I forgot that she has a large family of five children. And she will be a grandmother the legitimate way! She must be happy there are no scandals to get in the way of her Presidential run this time around. But she's keeping a close eye on her blossoming teenage daughter Willow, according to the Daily Mail article above, and has pulled her out of school to be home-schooled.

Here's an article I wrote on Palin for The American Thinker almost two years ago now: Sarah Palin: whose family values? It looks like Palin still hasn't learned that being away from home will likely result in a strained, if not dysfunctional, family life.