I made an intuitive leap of faith when I sensed something wrong with Huma Abedin's wedding dress, and wrote last week in my blog entry "Huma's Predicament":
[Huma] got married in an admittedly lovely embroidered dress, which earned her a spot in Vogue magazine (see above photo), but which is not the traditional white (in all its variations) that Western modern brides wear. I though her dress was decidedly non-Western, and looked like the glittery Middle Eastern and Indian dresses where, after all, Huma's family is from.But there is the possibility that Huma could be practicing taqqiya.
And here is what she says in Vogue about her dress:"I wanted to look like an Indian bride... And I wanted it to complement a jeweled chocker that belonged to my grandmother, an heirloom which my mother and her sisters have worn at their weddings."...[B]y marrying Weiner, Huma, who is described as a practicing Muslim, appears to have gone against her family and her background, in effect cutting herself off from her Muslim roots. Still, even the infamous Hirsi Ali didn't totally abandon her Muslim "culture" (and religion, since one doesn't exist without the other) and is trying to make it a reality within her Western life.
Perhaps that's what Huma was hoping to do. After all, she chose the Indian brocade dress as her wedding gown.
I should add that Abedin didn't change her last name (to Weiner) on her marriage, but kept her Muslim name.
Here's Lawrence Auster, at the View From the Right, quoting a blogger who calls himself Ben the Barrack:
BOMBSHELL: Weiner's In-Laws and the Muslim BrotherhoodI read Ben the Barrack's article, and here are some of his observations I highlighted from the article:
I teased this story a bit on my June 12th program. For those of you who listened, you know what this is about. For the rest, former PLO member and ex-Muslim Brotherhood activist Walid Shoebat has unearthed some shocking discoveries. Among them is that Anthony Weiner's mother-in-law is a card-carrying member of the Muslim Brotherhood. What makes this a national security issue is the fact that Weiner's wife is also Hillary Clinton's closest adviser.
- According to translated Arab sources, it has been learned that the mother of Huma Abedin – Huma is Anthony Weiner's wife and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's Deputy Chief of Staff – is an official member of the Muslim Brotherhood; Saleha Abedin belongs to the women's division known as the Muslim Sisterhood.Getting close to a Muslim (even an "ex" Muslim) comes with its string of contradictions, confusions, and possible conspiracies. In any case, putting a woman who has such strong family ties to Jihadist-type Muslim groups, however much she may deny those ties, comes with dangerous consequences. But, I don't assume that Hillary Clinton would scrutinize her close Muslim aide in any manner, since it's those radical Muslims who are the problem, not the moderate, Jewish-U.S. Representative-marrying, moderate ones like Huma Abedin.
- Huma has a brother named Hassan Abedin who is a fellow with the Oxford Centre For Islamic Studies (OCIS).
- The OCIS consists of an increasing number of Muslim Brotherhood members who sit on the Board. OCIS has Al-Qaeda godfather, Omar Naseef as well as the notorious Muslim Brotherhood leader and suicide bombing supporter – Sheikh Youssef Qaradawi listed as OCIS Trustees.
- Huma accompanied the Secretary of State to the Dar El-Hekma women's college in Saudi Arabia. Huma's mother is the co-founder and a Vice Dean at the college.
- [Huma's mother] Saleha Mahmoud Abdeen (aka Abedin) [is] a member of the woman's arm of the Muslim Brotherhood.
- It is sacrilege in Islam for Huma’s mother to accept the reality that her daughter is married to a Jew, a marriage that is considered null and void by the highest authorities in Islam (but as I wrote above, there is the possibility that Huma could be practicing taqqiya).
- Huma Abedin is a practicing Muslim and is still well-connected to her family. She also has access to highly sensitive State secrets – admitted by Hillary herself – as well as significant influence in the Obama administration.