Wednesday, November 23, 2011

"What Do You Wish For?"

[Photo by KPA]

Last year's Sears Canada's billboard advertizement for its Christmas catalog (right by the Baubles Tree at Dundas Square) was "Holiday Wish." The word "Christmas" was carefully omitted, but there was a clear reference to it.

This year, it is "What do you wish for?" The reference to Christmas is now vague and indirect, with a question which was designed to elicit a materialistic response, as in "I wish/want a fur coat for Christmas," not something like "I wish/want world peace for Christmas." The holiday (the holy day) is gone, but the shopping spirit still lives on.

The fine print on the online catalog version of this year's sign elaborates:
If you were wishing for a little help with your Christmas shopping, check out these inspired gift ideas. There's something for everyone and every budget.