at the Élysées Palace
Carla Bruni came out looking like this for François Hollande's inauguration. Bruni may have the excuse that she recently gave birth to a daughter (although that was now over six months ago), but she simply could have stayed home if she didn't feel ready to be in public. But, many mothers don't gain tens of pounds during pregnancy, and many of them shed their pounds relatively quickly.
I think her appearance, both physical and sartorial, is an affront at the new Prime Minister of France, as though she is waging a battle against him and his wife.
I thought that Hollande's "partner" came out looking attractive and smart. I understand she has a very liberal background, yet she somehow managed to look classic French at this important public appearance.
I don't know what this says about France. French perfume and fashion are still the best in the world. French restaurants cater to the gourmand. And French cities are still the most beautiful. None can beat the beauty of Paris.
Perhaps all this sustained beauty can finally usher in all that could be (has been) good about France, and Hollande's vicious socialism may awaken the French out of their trance so that they can save their civilization. I really do have some hope.
The above image shows François Hollande's inauguration parade as his motorcade drives up the Avenue des Champs-Élysées to the Arc de Triomphe. Behind him is the Place de la Concorde, with the Obelisk de Luxor at its center. Even the foggy, rainy day cannot diminish the grandeur of the street, and the monuments that surround it.