Friday, June 26, 2009

Conservative-Libertarian Lesbians

Where do we draw the line?

The Thinking Housewife (Laura Wood) had a great article up a few days ago on lesbianism and friendship. I sent her a comment yesterday about a commenter named Rose, who defends her lesbianism quite eloquently.

Laura wisely says that at the very end of the discussion:
I can neither condemn nor support Rose’s lesbianism. She upholds traditional marriage and the norm of heterosexuality. She is not recommending her way of life to others. She has explained her desires and dilemma. They seem quixotic, which is to say irrational and idealistic.
I agree with her. Yet, I felt compelled to send her a couple of emails on her posts because there are many "conservatives" like Rose, who essentially hold the libertarian view of "if it doesn't harm anyone, then my behavior is O.K." and still consider themselves part of the conservative community.

Again, it is hard to condemn people who seem half-way aware of their situation, but I'm afraid much of it is a solipsistic approach to life, and is in fact quite harmful.

For example, Rose will have young relatives cousins, young nieces and nephews, or other friends and acquaintances with impressionable children.

What are they to think when they see her behavior and her choices?

She may not advocate any of this in a vocal, public manner, but all her actions will draw attention to her “condition”, which will in fact become quite acceptable and normal in the eyes of these youngsters who don’t know any better.

I don’t know what the solution is to all this. In previous eras, such situations would have not warranted discussion – wrong is wrong, would have been the approach.

But, irrespective of all of that, conservative-libertarians are getting quite good at having us accept their deviant behaviour, and if not that, have us listen to them.