Thursday, June 4, 2009

Obama As Third World Despot

Or is it nouveau riche?

Basilique de Notre Dame de la Paix de Yamoussoukro, Côte d'Ivoire.
Built in the late 1980s at a cost of $300 million.
It is listed as the largest church in the world.

Third World despot, or is it just nouveau riche? But isn't that the curse of Third World despots, who get all agog in the face of their new power, and all the things they can do with it?

Here is a short, but by no means complete list (it will stretch over the years), of some of Obama's over-the-top behaviors:

- An 850 mile pizza delivery. Obama has a St. Louis pizza restaurant owner fly to the White House with a suitcase of dough, cheese and pizza pans make pizzas for him and his guests. He had sampled the chef's specialties while in St. Louis during his campaign. Now, what person remembers a deep-dish pizza while in the midst of a tumultuous traveling and speaking whirlwind to secure the most important post in the country?

- Michelle Obama* was wearing designer sneakers (really ugly, I might add) while volunteering at a D.C. foodbank. Wearing $500 sneakers at a food bank is like saying, "let them eat cake."

- And of course the famous "date night", in the middle of the recession and while GM was preparing to file bankruptcy, to New York for dinner and a Broadway show.

I have a feeling that such strange, disconnected (with ordinary people) behavior will continue. And each time it happens, people will be outraged, and writers will find renewed energy to pen their ineffective pieces.

* I had promised not to write about Michelle Obama's fashion sense. But, this isn't really about her shoes...