Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Atheists and Our Islam Threat

I understand that there are all kinds of people who are denying the strength and the seriousness of the Islamic religion, and its mandate (scripture) to turn the whole world Islam, but I think that one of the main reasons public figures (and leaders) in the anti-jihad movement cannot dwell on the religious aspects of Islam is because they are atheists or nominal (self-scripting) Christians, themselves, and do not have the religious weight with which to battle (or understand) Islam.

Lawrence Auster at the View From the Right (VFR) writes:
Speaking to Kay [of the Canadian National Post], Wilders makes this interesting and amusing remark:

"I see Islam as 95 percent ideology, five percent religion--the five percent being the temples and the imams. If you would strip the Koran of all the negative, hateful, anti-Semitic material, you would wind up with a tiny [booklet]."

Readers may remember that I have disagreed with Wilders's statements in the past that Islam is not a religion but only a political ideology.

Now he has moved in my direction. Even if it's only five percent, that's enough. I'm not concerned about the percentage. The point is that our side sounds silly when we claim that Islam, one of the world's major religions, is not a religion. To say that Islam is not a religion is like saying that a rhinoceros is not a mammal.
Mr. Auster is very generous in accepting this move to the right (direction). I, on the other hand, am a little impatient. I see every day in our Toronto streets Muslims inching into our society, whose ideology is clearly intertwined with, and fueled by, their religion. There would be no Muslim "ideology" without Islam. I've written about this here:

Blog posts
- We've come a long way
- Visceral Reaction
- Full niqab in full daylight

- Stealthy Islamic Inroads Into Our Culture - ChronWatch
- Islam's Missionary Women - ChronWatch
- How Canada's Little Mosque on the Prairie
   is aiming to take over our souls - ChronWatch , American Thinker
- Burqua Prejudice - American Thinker, Frontpage Magazine

Mr. Auster provides a series of solutions and arguments to combat Islam in the West (a search engine for VFR articles on Islam is on his site). But, here is Auster's article A Real Policy for a Real America from his presentation at the Preserving Western Civilization Conference in 2009 where he writes:
My purpose is not to promote hostility against Muslim persons or to spark civilizational warfare between the West and Islam, but to reduce and end the current increasing civilizational warfare, by separating Islam from the West. We respect the right of Muslims to follow in peace their religion in their lands. But in order for us Americans to follow in peace our religions and flourish in our way of life, the followers of sharia need to leave our country and return to the historic lands of Islam.
I agree, promoting direct hostility toward Muslims living in the West will at some point turn into a civilizational warfare, especially where their numbers are large. But, I don't think Muslims have any qualms about exacerbating such a civilizational war with us, so we had at least better be prepared for this. Here is a blog I wrote at my "sister" blog Our Changing Landscape (whose topics I'm now integrating into my Camera Lucida blog): Christian Tolerance, Islamic Jihad. It is abridged from my article of the same title, (also published at VFR).