Saturday, May 21, 2011

Since When Do People "Flee" From Bad Movies?

Spanish film director Pedro Almodovar
holding (up) his star Hollywood actor
Antonio Banderas at the Cannes Film Festival

The avant-garde, with its épater la bourgeoisie adolescent mantra still hasn't grown up. And since when do people "flee" from bad movies? What happened to just walking out? That is how Fox New reports the audience cleared out of Spanish director Pedro Almodovar's latest piece screening at the Cannes Film Festival. But he still got a standing ovation, alongside his starring actor Antonio Banderas, from the remaining hardy (foolish, more like) group. And the critics just loved the film, and have placed it in line for the prestigious (anymore?) Palme d'Or.

The disgusting film is described here. It is interesting to read the synopsis only to realize how low "artists" have gone with their shock factor. Hollywood actors and directors (Banderas became famous because of his roles in Hollywood films), living their elitist bourgeois (not a contradiction in terms) lives, can afford to destabilize the rest of the world, since we are the ones paying their way through endless experimentations on film. Banderas lives in Spain with his American actress wife Melanie Griffith and their young daughter. They even meet up with the King of Spain, no less. Yet he's driven to make this drivel, I'm sure not for money, but for some "message."