Friday, May 27, 2011

Malign America, but Marry Her Women

Zakaria and Throckmorton-Zakaria

I never gave Fareed Zakari's personal life any thought. He's just a CNN talking head who manages to twist news and world events into some anti-American, or anti-West, slant. Here are insights on Zakaria at the View From the Right (VFR):

Lawrence Auster:
Zakaria is an alien in our midst, building his career on his identity as a fashionable alien who lectures the natives on the need to give up their country and adapt to the global community, particularly to Islam. He represents the "New Society" that globalists are attempting to turn American into. Every step in America's weakening and loss of identity, means the strengthening and advance of Zakaria and his career and his importance.

Zakaria started out as a member of the neocon circle. Then in the late 1990s he began to move left. Then, when he made himself the journalistic representative of the new, non-white, non-Western, Islamified America, his career really took off.
VFR Commentator Vivek G.:
This Fareed Zakaria is also quoted by a leading Indian politician. The politician has been criticized here. Zakaria was born in India, a non-Muslim nation; migrated to U.S., another non-Muslim nation; married a non-Muslim woman (he must have converted her); and preaches tolerance, secularism, and assimilation to these non-Muslims. Isn't it ironical? Shouldn't he rather do this preaching in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and such countries?
Pardon my acerbic tone, but I find this as if a beggar seeks help from a household, gets to stay there for sometime, and soon after that he starts preaching on self-reliance to the hosts!
Zakaria is now going through "rough patches" with his "stunning" wife Paula Throckmorton. That doesn't sound like an Indian, much less Muslim, name, so I looked her up. She is indeed stunning (at least tall and statuesque) and blonde. So much for her being a "representative of the new, non-white, non-Western, Islamified America." Zakaria of course is the ultimate Third World (non-white), elitist, hypocrite, who want the best the West has to offer him, but cannot tolerate what the West actually is.