I wrote earlier about the pseudo-conformity of non-Western immigrants to Canadian society (specifically about Indians) here. Well, Muslim immigrants are no different.
Above are photos (from around the web) that I found where these hijabed girls are also wearing extremely tight skirts. The variation gets worse, where I'm seeing hijabed girls with tight jeans or even leggings that show their protruding behinds and thighs.
I wonder what the Imams think of this? I think they actually give temporary permission to these "Canadian" Muslim girls to wear such clothing so that they can blend in with the rest of the society. It is another stealthy encroachment of Muslims into the West. As these adolescent girls grow up, they become more strict, if what the older women wear is any indication. They will be better versed in Islam, and uncontested believers. They will also make great advocates for Islam. Canadians who think that Muslims will integrate into Canadian society have it all wrong. They just need to look at (the obvious) details to realize what is going on.